I’ve been playing with HA for a few weeks. Finally getting the hang of it and have implemented some very minor but helpful automations.
I’m, however, pretty frustrated with this “Boots to GRUB menu and requires a keyboard press” behavior to get it to boot. In fact, with all of the amazing HA capabilities - this boot behavior may cause me to abandon using HA altogether.
I want a small headless system that sits off in a corner and does its HA thing. No display. No keyboard. No mouse. If I tell it to reboot or it loses power I just want it back up and running.
Is this really a bug (as I’ve kind of concluded from various things I’ve read)? Or is there some way to get it to select Slot A every time automatically so I don’t have to go hit the Enter key just to reboot it?
This seems to be a common issue and I’ve read and tried various things…but nothing as of yet has resolved it.
My NUC install (5 years on) has not missed a beat - except when i do something stupid of course. Power goes off regularly here. Power comes back on - NUC starts up - HA is back.
I used a Live Ubuntu to flash HAOS to the NUC drive.
I’m tempted to do it again just to be sure I didn’t inadvertently do it wrong. (Sometimes I get ahead of myself and just start doing stuff.)
I could also do the HAOS Boot medium option.
But in either case - should this Grub screen NOT be showing up? I presume it’s considered “normal” to have the system auto-boot after some amount of timeout…in case someone is wanting to boot into some sort of Rescue environment.
It should only show this screen for a short time then automatically move on as you presume. I’d recommend opening an issue on the HAOS GitHub for support or dig into the configuration files for GRUB on your system if you feel confident.