Hiya. Recently i have migrated my Zigbee dongle from ethernet back to USB and noticed some issues. After some googling i found the following thread on their github: Error: SRSP - AF - dataRequest after 6000ms · Issue #2308 · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · GitHub and also the faq entry here: FAQ | Zigbee2MQTT, which suggest that my problems are related to usbcore.autosuspend being enabled.
I have checked my system and it looks like usbcore.autosuspend is indeed enabled, so its likely to cause my problems with Zigbee (but also my previous problems with Zwave which made me migrate my Zwave dongle from USB to PoE).
Anyhow, the problem is that im not sure how to disable autosuspend on HAOS (x64), particularly making it persistent between updates.
/etc/default/grub doesnt exist at all, nor update-grub in the system. There are some grub configs in /etc/grub.d/* but to be honest i havent played with those grub configuration files in the last decade so would prefer not to touch them. Plus even if i would change /etc/grub.d/ wont that get overwritten by Supervisor updates?