Happy 6th Birthday


Dear community, happy sixth birthday.

It has been six amazing years

Thanks to all the people working on the core of Home Assistant.

Thanks to all the people working on the Home Assistant frontend.

Thanks to all the people working on Hass.io.

Thanks to all the people working on Hass.io add-ons.

Thanks to all the people who help with design and user stories.

Thanks to all the people who make the documentation possible.

Thanks to all the people active on the forums.

Thanks to all the people active in the chat rooms.

Thanks to all the people active on social media.

Thanks to all the people making videos helping people use Home Assistant.

Thanks to all the people making videos sharing their achievements using Home Assistant.

Thanks to all the people writing blog posts about Home Assistant.

Thanks to all the people invovled in making the Home Asssistant Podcast.

Thanks to all the people moderating our community, maintaining its high quality.

Thanks to all the people working on running our infrastructure.

Thanks to all the people who help out with code reviews and maintaining our code quality.

Thanks to all the people building and sharing cool frontends build with Lovelace.

Thanks to all the people creating and sharing custom Lovelace cards.

Thanks to all the people creating and sharing custom components.

Thanks to all the manufacturers that work on integrating with Home Assistant.

Thanks to all the companies providing the Home Assistant project with resources: Nabu Casa, GitHub/Azure/Microsoft, CloudFlare, Netlify, Lokalise.co, CARTO.

Thanks to the Material Design Icons team for beautiful icons.

Thanks to all the people who support Home Assistant by subscribing to Home Assistant Cloud.

Thanks to all the people who share the Home Assistant love.




This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2019/09/17/happy-birthday/

You are very welcome !:sparkling_heart:

And thanks to you, @balloob, for creating Home Assistant in the first place.


And thanks to the iOS app developers.


Happy Birthday! Thanks to everyone in this community! You are all awesome!

Happy Hassday!!! :smiley: thanks for bring us the amazing software. Lots of people have a super relax way of living now :smiley:

//Keep up the good work!!


I do a happy hassday as well!

Happy birthday Home Assistant! Such an incredible platform.

I think it was like 3 years ago when I bought a Google Home and wanted it to announce the time every half hour. Somebody on Reddit recommended me Home Assistant, then I found BRUH Automation’s YouTube channel and down the rabbit hole I went.

It’s been amazing watching the amount of progress that has been made since then. A lot of things that were complex and time consuming before are now super simple. Lovelace made it simple to customize your interface without having to learn YAML. Thanks to Nabu Casa you can get remote access with a single toggle switch. Integrations can be set up in a few simple clicks now right from the UI.

Not only is Home Assistant incredibly powerful, but it’s also becoming super easy to use as well.


Happy birthday to a wonderful project!

So much has been achieved in 6 short years…well done!

According to the forum, I have been here since November 2016, so I wasn’t as early to the party as I might have liked.

HA has come a long way in those nearly 3 years, and I have loved every minute of it. Cheers to all involved.

Congratulations to everyone that has created, and contributed to HA over the years. I’ve been here a little over 2, it’s been great so far and much has been achieved and so much progress made in that time.

I’m excited to see where this goes in the future. Keep up the great work.

Happy Birthday. Great job to everyone.

Happy Birthday and thank you all!

Today is Home Assistant’s birthday, yesterday was mine :smile:

Happy Birthday Home Assistant :hearts: :birthday:

Thank you all!

Thanks 4 all the time and effort you guys are putting into HA and making it more awesome every day!

Happy Birthday and thanks for all the hard work!!!

happy birthday

Happy Birthday and thank you all!

Thanks to you Paulus and this extraordinary community!