Happy 7th birthday Home Assistant! 🎉

keep moving forward , hb

Great Job Guys!

Happy Birthday…:cake::cake: Amazing work guys!!

Happy birthday :birthday:
كل عام وانت بخير
وعقبال الف سنة :heart:

Happy Birthday HA!!! :partying_face: :partying_face:

Thank you guys.

Happy Birthday HA
I’m a newbee and love it, thanks to all who contribute.

I’ve been using HA for just under 2yrs now and it’s improved leaps and bounds in that time. Glad to see the enthusiasm has only grown since then. Keep up the awesome work!

Looking at my joining date - it was 30 November 2016, I have been using HA around 4 years. Leaps and bounds is very right.

Great job. :cake: :cake: