Hardware for smart surveillance camera?


I want a camera overlooking the road down to my house. It should have some sort of AI features to recognize cars, people etc. And be able to trigger stuff in HA depending on what’s recognized. E.g. if a car is coming, I’d like a voice notification about that. I also want to be able to view live feed from HA.

I have couple of old-ish RPi lying around, if there’s a suitable camera hat. Also open to buy any standalone camera.

It could be placed in the window on the inside, or on the outer wall.

Anyone done something similar or have a good idea of how to achieve this?

Frigate would be the goto answer.

Pros’ It works with lots of cameras, even RPi cameras. It will recognise cars and people and integrates well with HA. Once setup it is faultless.

cons, you will need a coral tpu to run it, and a steep learning curve.

You can also run just about any camera in HA, if it supports RTSP or Onvif it is easy, but unless you are running serious hardware you will end up with issues over detection.

I can’t comment on off the shelf cameras that have AI as i have ont tried any.