Hardware media player

What do you use for a hardware media player ?
I want to have many speakers in the home, linked to home assistant.
By this way, I want to be able to send some text to speech to these speakers.
For exemple when some body is on front of the camera, some alarms, etc.
Is that some chineese product available for exemple ?
I don’t want to use google or alexia devices for confidencialities reasons.
Many thanks for your suggestions.



I use Raspberry Pi’s (mostly zeros) with piCorePlayer in each room:

They are integrated into HA by a Logitech Media Server which runs on my NAS:

This way I can sync my music in all of the rooms and use it for TTS.

Many thanks for your reply,
Your solution is very interessant !
I understand you use a Raspbery Pi 0 and the picoreplayer software.
What kind of hardware do you use ?
Is that possible to find a full hardware with box ?

Best regards

I use a few USB soundcards with small speakers on several Pi Zeros. And I have a HiFiBerry MiniAmp which I build into an old radio case:

I have also a pHAT DAC from Pimoroni:

I’m not sure if you can get a complete box. I never looked after something like that.

Many thanks for your replay !