Hardware platform choice for HA?


I’d like to get some feedbacks on different platforms used for running HA ! My main problem right now is that my setup is working worse and worse on my Raspberry Pi 3 and each HA upgrade makes thing worse :frowning: I have looked at numerous threads here and it looks like Raspberry is definitively not (anymore ??) a good platform for HA !
My options for running HA are these ones:

  • run it on my router (Turris Omnia) but I expect to get same issues as on Raspberry due to pretty limited hardware ressources.
  • Continue to run it on my Raspberry Pi 3 with SSD, where each update of HA makes it run worse and worse :frowning:
  • run it on my existing multimedia Ubuntu server (powerful server) and if so how ? as I don’t want to mess the PC (as it runs other programs aside) ! Docker, virtualenv, virtual machine running ArchLinux with HA in it ? something else ?

I use some Zwave devices with a Razberry card on my PI, so I guess will have to invest in an USB Zwave dongle if I go on the PC way :wink:

Thanks for your ideas and tricks,


What are your issues?

I am running on an rPi 2B on micro SD and am not experiencing any real issues, apart from a sloooow logbook and history (which I plan to resolve by moving to MariaDB).

What makes you think this? Can you refer to some threads from this community?

Or you could continue using the pi as a ZWave controller and access it from HA over MQTT.

+1 for history and logbook very slow (I moved to MySQL here but not much changes on that :frowning: Logs are more and more filled of resync problems all the time and I noticed also some slowlyness in executing logic unless my system is extremely light in term of automation for now !

Well not sure it’s really worth the interest out of doing whole setup more complicated and less reliable no ? all the more considering price of ZWave+ USB dongle :wink: