Hardware requirements for Home Assistant - 128MB enough?

Hello HA Community,

I’m new to home automation, just played a bit with fauxmo on a Synology DiskStation, to switch on my receiver and the vacuum cleaner robot…
I’d like to take the next step and start controlling some lights, maybe a thermostat as well.
As I don’t want to rely one one hardware vendor (like Philips Hue, Osram Lightify or Innogy), I searched for an open hub and found Home Assistant!
What are the minimum hardware requirements of HA? My DiskStation DS110j is not powerful at all, with only 128MB Java applications just don’t work… how about HA? Is it lighweight enough for such a “weak” hardware? That would be cool to start trying some things without investing into new hardware (and adding power consumers…)

Secondly, which hardware would be a good start for switching a few lights? I don’t plan to replace the bulbs themselves, but switch existing lamps - with switchable plugs (Osram seems very affordable) and probably an “actor” to replace an in-wall switch. I would prefer to use WIFI only, but haven’t seen many options besides WEMO.
I don’t want to be dependant on external services to switch lights, this should work in-house.

I’d appreciate recommendations or pointers to good resources.

Thanks ins advance,

A Raspberry Pi works very well and has lots of support here. It is very low power, inexpensive and has more than enough power to control most HA demands.