Hardware suggestions for pool automation

So any advice appreciated… 10 years ago created a custom HA system for full house automation and pool/spa. Sold house and fast forward 10 years and it is time to setup a new home. Mostly needing pool/hot tub valve automation first then sprinkler, blinds, lights etc.

I am sure there has been many enhancements over the last 10 years.

Have pool pump, hot tub pump, Raypak 206a heater, just ordered 24v jandy controllers.

What is the popular hardware choices for HA pool valve automation, HA hardware and is node red still the programming interface everyone is using?

Raspberry Pi still best choice to run everything?

Any nice touch screen interfaces that integrate easily for placement around home?

Will be surfing the forums, but current recommendations are appreciated.

Thanks for any input!

Any luck finding anything @MetalSpine? What region are you from?