Hargassner heating integration

is there any documentation for local control published by HARGASSNER?

Hi @gex85 ,
did yo modify anything in the end to make your NanoPK being recognized or is it just a particular setting? Not quite sure how to interpret.
Do you have the INternet Gateway connected in between or direct connection to the Hargassner via LAN (nothing in between)?

We do have FW “Software V14.0HAR.o2” installed and with neither setting of V14N, V14N2 or the older V14M I get any data back. Wondering if that’s just due to the gateway or if the FW is just not supported.


Hello and sorry for my level in English. Thank you for this great integration, it works wonderfully for me.
I would like to translate the boiler states using the code posted previously but I don’t understand where I should insert this piece of code. Could anyone direct me? Thank you in advance =)

    STATES = {
        "1" : {CONF_LANG_DE:"Aus", CONF_LANG_EN:"Off", CONF_LANG_FR:"arrĂȘt"},
        "2" : {CONF_LANG_DE:"Startvorbereitung", CONF_LANG_EN:"Preparing start", CONF_LANG_FR:"Preparation démarrage"},
        "3" : {CONF_LANG_DE:"Kessel Start", CONF_LANG_EN:"Boiler start", CONF_LANG_FR:"DĂ©marrage chaudiĂšre"},
        "4" : {CONF_LANG_DE:"ZĂŒndĂŒberwachung", CONF_LANG_EN:"Monitoring ignition", CONF_LANG_FR:"ContrĂŽle allumage"},
        "5" : {CONF_LANG_DE:"ZĂŒndung", CONF_LANG_EN:"Ignition", CONF_LANG_FR:"Allumage"},
        "6" : {CONF_LANG_DE:"Übergang LB", CONF_LANG_EN:"Transition to FF", CONF_LANG_FR:"Transition combustion"},
        "7" : {CONF_LANG_DE:"Leistungsbrand", CONF_LANG_EN:"Full firing", CONF_LANG_FR:"Combustion"},
        "8" : {CONF_LANG_DE:"Standby", CONF_LANG_EN:"Standby", CONF_LANG_FR:"Veille"},
        "9" : {CONF_LANG_DE:"Warten auf EA", CONF_LANG_EN:"Waiting for AR", CONF_LANG_FR:"DĂ©cendrage dans 7mn"},
       "10" : {CONF_LANG_DE:"Entaschung", CONF_LANG_EN:"Ash removal", CONF_LANG_FR:"DĂ©cendrage"}},
       "12" : {CONF_LANG_DE:"Putzen", CONF_LANG_EN:"Cleaning", CONF_LANG_FR:"Nettoyage"},
       UNKNOWN_STATE : {CONF_LANG_DE:"Unbekannt", CONF_LANG_EN:"Unknown", CONF_LANG_FR:"Inconnu"}

Thanks a lot for supporting Firmware “O” now @TheRealKillaruna. It works on my end with NanoPK version o2. It’s hooked up to the Hargassner Internet Gateway and using the IP address of the Gateway if anybody is wondering how to properly configure.

I have been using this integration for over one year now.
My question is: Does anybody know how to set / Write values to the Hargassner-Unit?
I would like to set the heater to “Feuer Aus /Fire off” in the morning of a sunny day, to use Solar and avoid burning pellets, when the sun would heat up the puffer/warm water for free a few hours later.

A workaround would be to mount a relay to the “fire off, while Pellet filling switch” - but this means additional cost an wiring, for just a software setting.
Thanks for your replies!


New to this stuff, but found this:





www. hargassner .com/at-de/zubehoer/smart-home-app/

You’ve probably already found this too. But I thought I’d just send it just to be on the safe side.

I think this shows that it should also be reasonably simple to operate/write commands (not only read). Unfortunately I don’t know anything programming, but I would really like to apply it in my HA.

So hopefully someone can help us 

Sorry, my mistake. I found the solution to my first problem: I had two versions of your integration in my
custom folder.

But I have still one problem left

Logger: apscheduler.executors.default
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/apscheduler/executors/base.py:131
First occurred: 00:44:31 (21 occurrences)
Last logged: 01:34:13

Job "HargassnerBridge.__init__.<locals>.<lambda> (trigger: interval[0:00:01], next run at: 2023-10-28 23:27:31 UTC)" raised an exception
Job "HargassnerBridge.__init__.<locals>.<lambda> (trigger: interval[0:00:01], next run at: 2023-10-28 23:29:24 UTC)" raised an exception
Job "HargassnerBridge.__init__.<locals>.<lambda> (trigger: interval[0:00:01], next run at: 2023-10-28 23:30:09 UTC)" raised an exception
Job "HargassnerBridge.__init__.<locals>.<lambda> (trigger: interval[0:00:01], next run at: 2023-10-28 23:32:14 UTC)" raised an exception
Job "HargassnerBridge.__init__.<locals>.<lambda> (trigger: interval[0:00:01], next run at: 2023-10-28 23:34:14 UTC)" raised an exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/apscheduler/executors/base.py", line 125, in run_job
    retval = job.func(*job.args, **job.kwargs)
  File "/config/custom_components/nano_pk/hargassner.py", line 123, in <lambda>
  File "/config/custom_components/nano_pk/hargassner.py", line 178, in _update
  File "/config/custom_components/nano_pk/hargassner.py", line 103, in initializeFromMessage
    self._value = (str)(((int)(msg[self._index], 16) & self._bitmask) > 0)
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 16: ''


Someone knows if this integration is available on HACS ? Would be great if not already done 

ich bin ziemlich neu im Bereich HomeAssistant. Habe die Integration laut github hinzugefĂŒgt. Es zeigt mir aber keinerlei GerĂ€te oder EntitĂ€ten an. Als ip habe ich die vom Gateway genutzt. Muss ich den Kessel direkt ohne Gateway (Hargassner) am Netzwerk anschließen um das zum laufen zu bringen?

GrĂŒĂŸe Bolle

Edit: Ich hab es hin bekommen das Werte ankommen. Musste V14N benutzen trotz Softwarestand V14.0n2.
Vielleicht hilf es jemand anderem auch weiter!

Hi @mbw85 ,

since my integration began starving somewhere around V14.0N with issues like no more value updating, hang, unknown states, etc., I used my old Linux script to at least save the data every minute.

Now, with V14.0HAR.O2 on my Nano-PK, I wanted to see if I could get it up and running on HA, again. No success, either.

So then I followed your way of manually creating tcp-sensors and templates / helpers and I am happy, again! Thx for inspiring me :star_struck:

Happyness didn’t last long, though. Number of unavailable values varies from 2 to about 8 out of around 30. Problem seems to hide somewhere in HA TCP platform.

To have a reliable view, I additionally embeded the Hargassner management website as a tile to my dashbord - which is definitely not what I wanted.

Just my experiences: Not a Nano.2 PK with the internet gateway so I can use the Hargassner App or the website.

I installed the integration manually as described. In the configuration.yaml I used the IP address from the “gateway” which the Hargassner unit already got. I’m currently running “Software V14.0HAR.o3” but had to do the msgformat="<DAQPRJ> ... </DAQPRJ>" trick to get some values into my sensors. At least got some temperature ones now - 4 remain “unknown”. Will check on the status and more next

Few minutes later: Turned from “standard” to “full” and now getting few more values. But eg “Boiler” value doesn’t match with the Hargassner app one?! App says 48° but HA sensor tells me 54° - which is a bit sad. Can’t find any other value that’d match. Looks like “boiler” is the “Kessel” - the heating unit itself. I’ve got a separate “Boiler” within the Hargassner App giving me the current water temperature (which would be more of interest for me)

Just in case you want to get this running at all

If you are getting wrong values in the integration, it is likely that you are using an incorrect msgformat in your configuration.yaml. Please verify that the firmware version matches with your Nano PK system, or otherwise use a custom msgformat as described in the readme.

Hello @TheRealKillaruna

Thank you very much for this Integration. It works very well with the Hargassner pellet heating.
There is only one thing that works not perfectly: Its the boiler_state entity.
If the heating is refuelling the pellets, the entity shows “Unknown”. All the other states (Ignition, Ash removal) work well and displayed correctly. It is only when the pellets being refuelled.
Maybe you can fix this bug, then everything would be perfect with your integration.
Thank you very much for your efforts!

Kind regards,

I’m new here and I’m testing with
msgformat : NANO_V14.0HAR.o3
without success. I just have the connection going on and off and no other data.
I can’t find my code

Can you help me?
Thank you very much,

Spacey, i have the same “Software V14.0HAR.o3”
Can you give me your msgformat to help me ?


my friends Hargassner integration stopped working a few days ago - can’t say when exactly. In the logs on home assistant I can see:

Logger: custom_components.nano_pk.sensor
HargassnerStateSensor.update(): Invalid state.


Logger: custom_components.nano_pk.sensor
HargassnerEnergySensor.update(): Invalid value.

Tried to re-install the integration and checked if the IP address but no change.

Any ideas?
Thank you!

Sorry - somehow don’t get notifications from the board here
 here you go:

Wie gesagt - die Zeile entnimmst Du idealerweise Deinem Log - einfach dann so reinpacken & fertig.

Hi folks,

I got also a new Hargassner heating ClassicLambda with SW-version V14.1HAR.o3.

So I tried this integration but its not running!
Log says:

Logger: homeassistant.setup
Quelle: setup.py:475
Erstmals aufgetreten: 18:58:16 (1 Vorkommnisse)
Zuletzt protokolliert: 18:58:16
Unable to prepare setup for platform ‘nano_pk.sensor’: Platform not found (No module named ‘apscheduler’).<


  • Core 2024.4.3
  • Supervisor 2024.04.0
  • Operating System 12.2
  • Frontend 20240404.2

Anyone an idea for me how to fix this problem? I’m not yet that familiar with HA or python to help myself.

Thanks for your help

I didn’t manage to get nano_pk to work so I went for using tools only provided within homeassistent.
My firmware version is 15 something so you should past in your own loggstring.