Harmony and KaKu switches

I recently got a Harmony Elite, and I was wondering if i can somehow integrate it with my KaKu switches.
My AV setup is currently switched completely off using a KaKu switch (433 Mhz) which I can control from HA.

I’ve looked at emulated_hue. but unfortunately the remote only allows lights at the end of an activity, not at eg. the first action in an activity.

I’ve checked out emulated_roku, this works fine - but alas, only device poweron seems to be allowed in the beginnen on the Logitech remote. And the emulated_roku (and roku in general?) doesn’t seem to have a PowerOn command that I could use.

Does anyone have any other ideas as how I could get this to work?

What do I want:

  • Toggle switch (kaku) to power on the av equipment (through HA)
  • run the rest of the activity


  • run the activity to switch everything off
  • poweroff the kaku (through HA)

Kind regards in advance!

I created a script with a delay which turns on my tp link plug, rf lights, hue lights, and harmony remote. The delay allows everything to power on before starting the routine.

Second script does the reverse.

If wanted can then create a template switch for the on and off scripts

How do you trigger this?

I have the scripts in the front end grouped together. Because they have delays in, they have the normal button for a switch rather than the execute command.

Ah, you trigger it from HA - not from the remote?