Hey everyone, been having a little issue with the harmony component, so I’ve followed @BTallack’s method at the top of this post, and everything seems to be working, except the PowerOff option. I can start/switch activities from HASS as well as from the physical remote, and everything updates just fine in HA. But when i select ‘Powered Off’ from the HA UI, nothing happens.
The interesting thing is, if i go into the HA UI → Developer Tools → States. Set the…
Entity ID: remote.livingroom
State: off
Then click “Set State”, nothing happens… I would think this should activate the poweroff sequence, and turn all the devices off. But it doesn’t. Nor does it log anything.
This is my harmony code, I have it sitting inside a separate file called harmony_select which gets included via !include_dir_merge_list includes/automation/ in the config yaml.
So this entire yaml is loaded as an automation? Do you have any other relevant config files, and what are they loaded as (scripts, input_boolean, etc)?
- platform: harmony
Once the component is enabled, a file called harmony_HARMONY_DEVICE_NAME.conf will be created. I also have an input_select that gets included similar to automation with the following:
name: Harmony Control
- Select Input
- Watch TV
- Play Xbox One
- Play Wii U
- Listen to Music
- Youtube
- PowerOff
icon: mdi:monitor
And then a sensor file called harmony.yaml which gets included with my sensors similar to above with below: