Harmony Hub Detected once

If anybody comes across this post with a similar problem , I have come to the conclusion that the real culprit here is my router

Router is a sky q 2.4 and 5 ghz

Reason I think it’s the router is that my harmony iPhone app stopped working and wouldn’t connect , spent about an hour playing with the router , app starts working again and so does hassio

Suspect it will stop working again so may need to look at replaincg the sky q router

You can send…


…from the services menu, no need to delete and restart.

Thanks good tip

problem i am having though is i think my router is causing the harmony hub issues and only way to resolve seems to be physically unplugging the router

I though it was a hassio problem, but having looked on some sky forums seems the router gets overloaded very easily and then falls down

Sorry, don’t know about your problem, I replied to @EGO01 :slight_smile: