Today I updated all my stuff to latest version home assistant and harmony firmware xmpp and problem is with activity I use code like this:
alias: harmony turn off all activity
- service: remote.turn_off
entity_id: remote.harmony_hub
activity: -1
alias: harmony xbox off activity
- service: remote.turn_off
entity_id: remote.harmony_hub
activity: 36058717
and now If I run script “pilot_harmony_xbox_activ” harmony hub turn off all my deviced! not just activity but all devices what I have added to harmony hub.
Please for help thank you.
I’m seeing this error in my log for both of my hubs after the last update
2019-02-11 08:25:48 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.remote.harmony] Living Room Harmony Hub: Unable to connect to HUB.
2019-02-11 08:25:48 ERROR (MainThread) [aioharmony.hubconnector] Exception on post: Cannot connect to host ssl:None [Connect call failed ('', 8088)]
2019-02-11 08:25:48 ERROR (MainThread) [aioharmony.hubconnector] Unable to retrieve HUB id
I am not running the beta firmware on my hubs, and I am running the most current harmony firmware, do I need to change my harmony firmware? Did I miss a breaking change?
I know about the API, but when that first happened, the code was updated to support the harmony hubs using http calls (or something like that), I’ve been using the normal (non dev) api without issues until 87.1 I dont see anything in the change logs. If HA only supports the new dev API, that’s fine, It’s just that they were definitly supporting the normal firmware until the last couple of days.
I’ll double check to see if maybe there was another firmware update on the harmony side of the house
Edit: I have verified that I am running the latest local firmware 4.15.206
The way harmony works is that only 1 activity is on at a time.
Yes, Did you look at the code I posted? It uses remote.turn_on, not remote.turn_off. This has always been like this. If you want to turn off any activity, you need to call remote.turn_on with PowerOff as the activity.
I’m running 4.15.206 without issues, but I’m on 0.87.0. I believe 87 is using webhooks, 86 was. Harmony was talking about reenabling xmpp. Not sure when that is happening.
Example If I start manual tv, shield tv, xbox, onkyo avr and now if I start this script harmony hub turn off ALL devices but should turn off only xbox and onkyo like is set in activity.
Last change made to harmony was 27 days ago. Maybe something else is affecting the setup. I’ll have to update and monitor my logs.
EDIT: aioharmony.hubconnector is the new API that uses websockets. And it’s using 0.1.5. I think we are 2 minor revisions behind, but 0.1.5 has an excerpt about a fix which seems oddly similar to your issue:
So, if I understand correctly, you were using the script to fix issues where people turn on devices without using the harmony.
For example - 5 devices have been turned on manually and now you want to turn off two of them with the harmony (xbox ond onkyo), but leave on the other devices that were manually turned on that the harmony does not know are on?
Seems confusing, but I see what you’re going for. With that said, I never did that, so I cannot say when it changed. of course I’m also seeing some issues with harmony today, so maybe they are related
Was this directed to me? I think so, and I’ll do that tonight. This last update to 87.1 has been more buggy for me than most previous updates. But, such is the cost of being on the update bandwagon.
I ended up just going ahead and applying the developer firmware on my hubs and it seems to be working. I’ll probably revisit in the future. Thanks for the pointer
I don’t think the developer firmware will affect HA. HA will still use websockets even though the dev update adds xmpp back. We gotta wait til HA gives us the choice to use xmpp or websockets. It may even be a totally different component.
Makes sense, but… My harmony is working now with the xmpp firmware. It was working (or at least I think it was) on 87.0, starting getting the errors above on 87.1. the firmware seemed to fix the issue. Maybe it was just a websocket issue, I believe that HA was supposed to be working with websockets and XMPP, right?