Harmony Hub: repeat speed of command

Is there a way to control the repeat speed of a command in the new Harmony component? I took a look in the harmony code and in the remote platform and don’t see any specific timing handling. Is that handled by HASS’ service handling?

I also took a look at the repeat settings inside the Harmony Hub application/controls.

Specifically: I’m looking for a good technique to raise the volume. With each simulated press taking a sec or two, it can take a long time to get from a vol of 15 to a vol of 50.

Would I be better off finding a way to handle this from within the Harmony config?


I am wondering the same. What is the best way to issue the volume command? Support is great if you need a single command like mute, but multiple steps of volume take too much time.

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I would too like to know how to get multiple commands to the harmony with little latency.

At the moment, I’m using scripts to change channels (triggered via Alexa) on my Sky box. It works, but it takes too long between each command.

E.g. - Turn ON BBC Four:


  • service: remote.send_command
    entity_id: remote.harmonyhub
    device: 44791129
    command: Sky
  • service: remote.send_command
    entity_id: remote.harmonyhub
    device: 44791129
    command: 1
  • service: remote.send_command
    entity_id: remote.harmonyhub
    device: 44791129
    command: 1
  • service: remote.send_command
    entity_id: remote.harmonyhub
    device: 44791129
    command: 6

Locally on the Harmony remote, I also have “favourite” channels setup that also send a string on multiple commands when hitting the logo of the channel directly from the remote (exit and then the channel numbers made up of 3 digits - e.g. BBC FOUR HD “116”)

Is there a way of exposing the favourite channel from Harmony to HomeAssistant, triggering the numbers directly from the Harmony and not from HomeAssistant as separate commands, thus making the latency more bearable?


@Marcus_Brannon: Did you find a solution in the meantime? Would be great if you could post it here as I believe this is still relevant. Any way to define the “button press duration” for a home assistant / logitech harmony hub setup would be much appreciated.

Batch support was added in PR #7113 but unfortunately never documented. So you should now be able to do like this and it will be faster:

  - service: remote.send_command
    entity_id: remote.harmonyhub
      device: 44791129
      num_repeats: 15
      delay_secs: 0.1
        - VolumeUp
  - service: remote.send_command
    entity_id: remote.harmonyhub
      device: 44791129
      delay_secs: 0.4
        - Sky
        - 1
        - 1
        - 6

You can adjust delay_secs if it gets too fast for your target device.

I will get the documentation updated with this information.