Harmony Hub Template switch value template

Hi all, been on this for a few hours so thought I would ask.
I have setup my logitech harmony hub which shows up as a hub and remote entities through the harmony integration.
I created a template switch helper that works as intended (on: triggers specific activity "Movie Shield, off: turns off the activity). What I haven’t been able to resolve is the value template field in the gui when I set-up the template so that the state is synced if, for example, if I turn on from the remote as opposed to HA.

What is the output I am trying to get for the string I insert in the value template field for the state to sync?

I have used the following:

"{{ is_state_attr('remote.harmony_hub', 'current_activity', 'Movie Shield') }}"

"{{ state_attr('remote.harmony_hub', 'current_activity') }}"

"{{ state_attr('remote.harmony_hub','current_activity') == 'Movie Shield' }}"

which under the developer tools result in the following (in order):


“Movie Shield”


Thanks in advance

Hi and Welcome.

It is not clear (to me) what you are trying to achieve.
What is you expected result, and what is that you actually get?