Harmony Hub won't detect Emulated Hue

Running Hass (0.103.3) in docker on a Synology NAS

Since I want to operate both deconZ and Hue bridge devices with my Harmony I added emulated hue. It’s running fine, on default settings, port 8300 and host ip = (LAN) NAS ip. I only expose a couple of devices and can see all via http://NAS ip:8300/description.xml and http://NAS ip:8300/api/pi/lights.

But my Harmony hub does not want to see the emulated hue. Both when searching for it from the Android Harmony app as from the windows Harmony app.

What am I doing wrong?

Just a question,why do you want to keep the Hue bridge? What features are you missing that deconz doesn’t provide?

Do you have UPnP enabled? I sometimes had to enable UPnP when I tried to discover things with the harmony remote.

I believe I need the hue bridge to be able to keep using Hue sync (with music, gaming, etc.) on my PC.

Where (Harmony, Home Assistant or NAS) do I enable UPnP?

Ok, I understand, valid reason, don’t know if there is any substitute for this yet.

UPnP needs to be enabled in your router. Are the Harmony and the NAS on a different subnet?

It was already enabled on both my modem and wap.

In your emulated hue config, add

advertise_ip: ip-of-home-assistant
advertise_port: 8300

and see if this helps. I had a similiar problem with emulated roku in a docker installation. Are you using “network_mode: host” for the HA container?

Great, thanks! Either that, or simply restarting the Harmony Hub (grrr, why didn’t I try that before), did the trick. It also showed DeconZ now which it didn’t before.