I have a new install of home assistant and alexa voice control for harmony hubs worked until about 3 months ago. Suddenly voice control stopped and when i looked at the expose to voice assistant settings alexa now says unsupported on all 3 of my hubs. i reset all hubs, remote access in HA and the HA skill in alexa. Other things in HA can still be controlled by alexa but not the harmony hubs. anyone else experience this or know of a fix?
Harmony hubs have always shown up as remote
s in Home assistant and remote
s have never been supported by Alexa.
But quite a while ago, Activities where exposed as switches. The switches are no longer there, they were removed over I year ago I guess. So what was it exactly that was exposed? If it was the activity switches, you can recreate them using helpers.
Yep, that was a time ago. Still don’t get why that was removed in favor of the select entity. Anyways, to get those switches back, see this post:
I appreciate the help quick response. I am new to HA and am migrating to HA from HomeSeer. Bothsmart home systems are running simultaneously as i slowly move everything over to HA. It is possible that the harmony automation was still functioning from homeseer but i swear it was being served by HA when voice commands were working. if this is the only way forward to get HA. harmony hub and alexa voice commands working, I will work on getting the switches setup. Thanks again for everyones help
What were you saying to change activities?
Turn on “device”. Turn on TV, Turn on PS5, Etc.
That had to come from the other system or you were using the deprecated switches. They were removed sometime around December 2023.
I added the helper switch. Works perfect now. Thanks for everyone’s help.