Harmony Remote Light Brightness Not Working

I have 3 yeelights in my living room. They are in a group called living room lights and can be turned on/off with the harmony remote. (press on/ longpress off).

The remote has + and - brightness buttons on it.

I have attached these to the group. The problem is that it does not work.

When the + brightness is pressed, it will only affect one of the 3 lights in the group. It will then appear to break if you go to max brightness and then continue to press the button. This causes the whole group to become unavailable in HA for a few minutes.

The - button does not seem to have any affect on the group.

If there a workaround for this?

Did you find a solution? I’m hitting a similar issue. Group is turning off and on, but not responding to brightness with the clicker switch :frowning:

sadly im still looking.

It occasionally has an effect for me but it’s never what you’d expect, just now pressing up made the lights get dimmer and change colour!

Assume you are pressing the light button you want to control first and then the dimmer.

I agree. It sometimes works as expected, but only to a point.

Like i mentioned in the original post, if it works, something will happen causing the lights to become unavailable or only one in the group will be affected.

I created a very sloppy workaround, but it does work…

  • Created emulated_hue and connected Harmony to this
  • Created 4 input_booleans that are attached to the buttons
    • One is living_dimmed, which -if activated- will set a sensor to dimmed value
    • One is living_bright which -if activated- will set a sensor to bright value
    • The other two have to do with colours and scenes

Here is the sensor, and part of the automation that takes care of brightness in the living room (there are actually a couple, but you’ll get the gist)

  friendly_name: 'Living Brightness Level'
  value_template: >-
     {% if is_state('input_boolean.startup_mode', 'on' ) %}
     {% elif is_state('input_boolean.living_bright', 'on' ) %}
     {% elif is_state('input_boolean.living_dimmed', 'on' ) %}
     {% elif is_state('input_boolean.chaos', 'on' ) %}
     {% elif is_state('input_boolean.night_mode', 'on' ) %}
     {%  elif states.sensor.fibaro_living_right_luminance.state | int > 400 %}
     {%  elif states.sensor.fibaro_living_right_luminance.state | int > 200 %}
     {%  elif states.sensor.fibaro_living_right_luminance.state | int > 100 %}
     {%  elif states.sensor.fibaro_living_right_luminance.state | int > 50 %}
     {% else %}
     {%- endif %}

and when motion is detected:

    - service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: group.living_lights
        entity_id: group.living_lights
        brightness: '{{ states( "sensor.living_brightness" ) }}'

The problem with this is that the + / - buttons on the remote for the lights are built in and cannot be changed like the others.