Has anyone been able to get Honeycomb Menu from HACS working?

I have not had time to come back to this yet.


i really don’t understand how use it. can I have a full example working ?
thank you

When I tried this last time, one of the addons you need is the custom card “Button-Card”. I went through installing it from GitHub, but it does NOT contain the json file with all the configurations of this addon… So I just get this in Home Assistant:

So I’m at a loss for what to do next…

Same here, but I’m able to get it working–even with buttons–on my PC. But the only way i can get the honeycomb menu to show up on my phone is by deleting all of the buttons. as soon as i add a button, the menu stops appearing. which is, obviously, useless on mobile at least. but have you tried it on pc? it may work there.

Has anyone made any advancement on this?
Would be a great addition to have. I just don’t seem to figure out how to populate individual combs. I can get the honeycomb working with empty combs however…

@neofraz03, @rob.james.lee, @dermitschi

Here you go my friends. Something to get you started :wink:


Designed for my Robovac to clean certain zones.
Working in Chrome and Android app. Firefox NO :-1:

type: custom:button-card
icon: mdi:vacuum
size: 15%
color: yellow
aspect_ratio: 2
  action: call-service
  service: honeycomb
    size: 300
    active: true
      - type: custom:button-card
        name: Clean Bathroom
          action: toggle
        entity: script.clean_living_room
            - color: violet
        position: 0
      - type: custom:button-card
        name: Clean Bathroom
          action: toggle
        entity: script.clean_bathroom
            - color: red
        position: 1
      - type: custom:button-card
        name: Clean Hallway
          action: toggle
        entity: script.hallway
            - color: orange
        position: 2
      - type: custom:button-card
        name: Clean Kitchen
          action: toggle
        entity: script.clean_kitchen
            - color: green
        position: 3
      - type: custom:button-card
        name: Clean Meals
          action: toggle
        entity: script.clean_meals
            - color: aqua
        position: 4
      - type: custom:button-card
        name: Go to Bin
          action: toggle
        entity: script.goto_bin
            - color: white
        position: 5

Just change the 6 elements to suit your needs.
Have fun :+1:


Thank you so much! It works perfectly!

I appreciate your instructions to help others to get my Honeycomb Menu working but I just want to advise that adding type: custom:button-card is redundant as the buttons automatically default to that already. Also name isn’t needed either :wink:

Yeah good to know :thinking: any chance for you to share some working code example perhaps :wink:

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There’s examples on the repo??.. examples

Very cryptic to me :confused:
Can you kindly share your code maybe here for everyone to see perhaps :wink: or update your Repo with a full working example :+1:



I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I copied your code, changed my entities to match my own. I keep getting weird errors in my log when I press and hold, and I do not have any honeycombs. The only thing that happens is the card background dims.

Logger: frontend.js.latest.202207071
Source: components/system_log/__init__.py:190
First occurred: 9:00:00 PM (2 occurrences)
Last logged: 9:00:01 PM

http://localhost:8123/frontend_latest/app.85e5cc16.js:850:70294 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'createCard')
webpack:///./src/honeycomb-menu.js?:350:67 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'addEventListener')

Scratch that. It is working now out of no where. Not sure why though.

UPDATE: Still getting the above errors. This randomly works it seems.

Now I’m trying to figure out how to get the hex look for my buttons. Any guidance would be very appreciated.


It’s quite possible the load order is not loaded correctly. Try a full hard reload (refresh cache etc). In regards to the look, see the theme examples on the readme.

So I was able to get this working relatively consistent. I was also able to get the honeycomb shape theme for the buttons. The only thing left I am trying to figure out is how to get my button card to also look like the honeycomb ?


Can you share a screenshot of what you want changed and the code you have at the moment ?

So I’m just trying to get the card itself to be honeycomb shaped (inside red square):

As for the code, I don’t have any. Wasn’t sure if this was some sort of change I need to make inside my theme.yaml file for my current Theme or what.

You cannot alter the shape of the custom button card.
Or I misunderstood your question perhaps ?

Could you share what it is that you would like it to look like ?

Yeah, this is from the Github for this integration. It looks as though the button cards themselves are honeycomb shaped, and then when clicked on, the honeycomb buttons open:
