Has anyone DIY'd radiator fans?

I’ve been looking at radiator fans, the ones that go under your radiator and trigger on a mechanical temperature switch to activate its fans to circulate the warm air.

It looks expensive for 3 fans, a few magnets and a thermo switch.

I couldn’t find anything in search, but was wondering if anyone had DIY’d something similar with something like an ESP32 which could also double as a presence sensor or BT extender or even an assistant listener in HA.

Yes, you only need Esp board, power supply and common 4-wire fans to build it.

I wonder as well, but more specific I’d love to know whether there’s a way to make a zigbee controllable variant

Plug it in to a ZigBee smart plug?

Perhaps this:

Sorry, its german.

Sorry it’s Dutch

It’s pretty easy, you can use tasmota or zigbee. I would choose tasmota or ESPhome.

I really like this.
One thing that put me off the shop bought or even a 3d printed version was the thought of plastic off-gassing being actively blown through the room.

Making it with wood as the frame makes a lot more sense.