Has anyone got a way to integrate Wasserstein products?

I just finally received 2 products from Wasserstein. I suspect they are both Tuya rebrands but not sure.
One is the Premium waterleak detector (includes temp/humidity sensors)
The other is the Wasserstein Aquapal (detects leakage and can shutoff mains water supply)

Anyway for a noob like me to integrate this into my HA instance? Maybe with Local Tuya? Is this reliable? Does it require cloud access?


i had configured them with the tuya smart life app and then used the tuya integration (not local tuya or tuya local) to get them into HA, but that has stopped working.

There’s a video that shows how to make a request to Tuya Local to add the integration… Haven’t done it yet though. Do you have the same products I do?

Here are the ones I got.

What’s the video, maybe I will try to see if I can implement it.

I got exactly those and I feel they work perfectly (although I’ve had them for only 2 weeks - do you have a longer install span and similar opinion?)
I also have the Wasserstein Aquapal Funny story, I backed this project like 3 years ago. Out of the blue I emailed them and they sent the final product to me lol

So the video is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apWfjargTpA

I’ve had them for 2 years. I think they were great because they could use AC power, made their own noise, and actually went back to dry as soon as the water went away.

Does the aquapal work with Tuya in HA?

I haven’t tried it yet but I suspect it does. If not you can submit a request to the Local Tuya maintainer (or is it Tuya Local ?)

Thanks. It does show up in the Tuya phone app though? That’s the big one since if it does, like you said, it could then be made to work with HA.

TBH I do not know. I only used it with Wasserstein app so far. It works quite well but of course end game is to get it in HA locally.

Sadly it’ll mean moving from Wasserstein app to Tuya as the first step.
Do you have it or are you considering buying?

I must say their after sales is very good

Considering buying. It doesn’t require a subscription, right? Glad to know you like it and even the native app works as the play store reviews are meh.

haha, I have not seen the reviews. I have used android (huawei p30 pro and now s24 ultra) and it worked as I would expect. I also have their flood detector which also works quite well.
I wish they had some solar panels with included battery for some of my wifi cameras but they don’t.

And the reason I say their CS is great is after a few months my unit did not report pressure or water. They offered and shipped a replacement free of charge to me and it got to me within the week. (This means they used a very good courier service, average for where I am is 15-20 days)

The unit currently still opens/closes the valve and can keep track of water usage + flow. I’ll replace it with the new one once I get some time and then I’ll try Tuya + HA integration

And yes, zero subscription needed