I have a camera where the motion sensor does not work. I’m not interested in installing mqqt/motion eye at the moment, its more than I need. I came across this yesterday
and I thought, nice, this is just what I need. I already have my camera’s doing an ffmpeg stream. I set it up, and sure enough, it seemed to work. Motion sensor showed up, and triggered fine. Then after a while it stopped working. I followed the recommendations in the documentation and ran " ffmpeg.restart" on the sensor and it started working again. Went to bed, and woke up to the sensor in an “unknown” state. restarted again, and it’s working. Obviously having to restart all the time is not optimal.
I guess I want to know before I go down this rabbit hole. Is this sensor stable for others? Any tips or settings that might be useful? I’m running this on ubuntu venv, on a i5 processor with 4gb ram, so I dont think it an issue with resources.
Hello, I am just starting to try to use the ffmepg motion as well. Any chance you could post your config for the binary…
I’m using a webcam for testing… Have tried Motion and am not that happy with it…
here’s what I was using. After 2-3 days, I’ve already stopped.
- platform: ffmpeg_motion
input: !secret camera_url_1
name: Front Door Camera Motion
extra_arguments: -pred 1 -q:v 2
changes: 10
reset: 30
Might just be the camera I’m using, but after a few hours it dies, and I had to do a ffmpeg.restart. Also, it took 25-30% of my CPU all the time, just for the single sensor.
Any update on this?
I just created an ffmpeg binary sensor and am having the same issue.
Could this have something to do with the sever sleeping the inactive ffmpeg?
I have a camera setup with ffmpeg that has no issue, so my thought is maybe something the server is killing due to inactivity?
Hmm, interesting though. Honestly I gave up, too much CPU and it kept failing, ended up going another route and just adding an old zwave motion sensor I had laying around.
Can someone explain me what this extra argumens mean? It worked by the way, so thanks.
Also, does anybody know what are the units of the configuration params? repeat_time, are seconds? minutes? same for reset.
It is a VM with 4gb of ram and two cores running on an intel nuc.
It is not dying now, but it is not consistent either. I have some events that are detected by the wyze-cam, and the wyze app sends them to me and I don’t get any from the ffmpeg integration, then I get some other events when there is almost no diff on the image, which is what I configured it for, but I don’t understand how it is missing clear motion events like cars or people moving around while the wyze app is able to detect them no problem.
I’m sorry to resurrect this old topic but I’m struggling with the same subject, ffmpeg is working, the process seems to be watching for image modifications (I can see the process with the rights parameters running), but nothing really seems to happen. Here’s the configuration I’m using: