Has anyone successfully installed Alexa Media Player integration recently and is using Nabu Casa for their public URL?

I’m wondering if anyone has encountered Error 404 when attempting to configure the integration.
It’s failing right after successfully logging into the Amazon account where it’s supposed to do a callback to Nabu Case to complete the process.


Next page is this:


which lands here…

And then this callback fails with 404: Not Found…

This integration has worked for me for several years with Nabu Casa.

Thanks. When is the last time you removed and re-installed the integration?
It’s the initial integration configuration with the authentication callback step that is failing for one user.

Not in recent history.

Thanks. I’ll reword my topic as there is 1 user who can’t install it now. Just trying to ascertain if it’s just his setup or if it’s a new problem in general.

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The user in question finally narrowed it down an issue with his Amazon account…