Has anyone validated that the new hassbian image is good?

Silvrr, Can you please take a look at the instructions in my link. Unless I am missing something that is supposed to be how you can install Hassbian and Hass. io in a single install. That is what I am suggesting is not working as described. I’m sure I can figure out how to install hassbian and then install Hass. io but he instructions here are directing everyone to a method that is not working.

I’m still curious if there is a link to hassbian with hass. io auto installer after.

Hass.io is not mentioned on the hassbian install page you pointed to.

What am I missing in this text? Isn’t this saying I should be able to navigate to the web interface of hass io?
After initial boot an installer will run in the background, this will download and install the newest version of hassbian- config and Home-Assistant, this takes around 10 minutes to complete, after it has finished, you will be prompted to login: hassbian login: . Installation is complete at this point. The default username is pi and the password is raspberry .

Open a browser on a device that’s connected to the same network as your Raspberry Pi and point it to Home Assistant at http://hassbian.local:8123. If you want to login via SSH, the default username is pi and password is raspberry (please change this by running passwd ). The Home Assistant configuration is located at /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/ .

Perhaps it is faq time https://www.home-assistant.io/faq/

To put it bluntly, no it doesn’t. It doesn’t even mention the word hass.io.

I believe you are using the word Hass.io to refer to Home Assistant. That’s the source of the confusion.

  • Home Assistant = Home Assistant (can run on any machine that supports python)
  • Hassbian = Home Assistant AND Raspbian operating system (designed for Raspberry Pi)
  • Hass.io = Home Assistant AND HassOS operating system (designed for a variety of Single Board Computers and Intel-based computers)

Hassbian and Hass.io combine application software (Home Assistant) and a computer operating system.

Got it, thanks. So I am confusing hassio with home assistant names. Sorry about that. Let me try and restate the problem more accurately. When I follow the instructions on the hassbian page (so I have a linux operating system) I had expected that home assistant would kick off and install after. Right now all that is happening is that rasspbian is installing and stopping.

Is this what is supposed to happen?

I am intimately familiar with them and the general concept of hassbian vs. hass.io.

Negative, you don’t actually want to install hassbian and hass.io together. See the FAQ and my description of each above.

There are no instructions to do this, you wouldn’t want to. If you installed hassbian and then installed Hass.io (which is possible) you would have two instances running and run into all kinds of conflicts.


No it says you can navigate to hassbian.local which is the homeassistant frontend.

Thank you, I realize I am using the wrong word and making a mistaking thinking the hass io tools would be on home assistant too. My issue, properly stated i hope, is that home assistant is not installing after rasspbian finishes.

OK. Let’s start with some basic troubleshooting.


If you find that the web page is not reachable after 30 minutes or so, check that you have files in /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/ , if there are no files in this location then run the installer manually using this command: sudo systemctl start install_homeassistant.service .

I followed the instructions on this post which got home assistant running.

I even had the same permission issues preventing the manual install.

But the same issues occur every time I try this. When i watched the boot screen I noticed that Home assistant doesn’t even try to install. So, what I was originally trying to ask was do you think there is something wrong with that image?

Not to even further confuse people, but this part isnt 100% correct.

Hass.IO is a specific set of docker images which contains and manages HomeAssistant as well as any addons. It can be run in a linux machine, server, VM, or anything else that can run Docker.

HassOS is a lightweight operating system meant to run on embedded systems like a RasPI and runs Hass.IO.

Hass.IO does not need to be used inside HassOS, and can be ran on any machine/computer/desktop with docker.

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You should report that as issue on the hassbian github project.

Have I misinterpreted the documentation describing Hass.io, specifically the fourth bullet point:

  • Free and open source
  • Optimized for embedded devices like Raspberry Pi
  • 100% local home automation
  • Easy installation and updates (powered by HassOS and Docker)

I believe I understand what you mean, Hass.io is the dockerized flavor of Home Assistant that runs on a lightweight operating system (HassOS). However, the impression one gets, or at least I do, is that the whole kit and kaboodle is referred to as Hass.io as a form of shorthand (even though there is a clear division of responsibility between the two). The impression is reinforced by the fact you download an image that contains both OS and app (in dockerized flavor).

I don’t think you misinterpreted what they wrote, I think they just made a mistake phrasing it in a clumsy way like that.

They do seem to refer to RasPI builds as just "Hass.IO" which I think is confusing to new users because it gives the impression that it’s only for a Raspberry Pi, however I’m running it just fine inside Ubuntu on a NUC, as are many other people.

If they called it “HassOS (With Hass.IO installed)” I think that would be more clear, since Hass.IO doesn’t care what OS it’s running inside.

Thanks, that is very helpful and on point with my concerns. Since I want to run this on a linux based OS do you recommend that I just install a basic version of Hassbian, and then download and install Home assistant separately after that install?

Also, I was trying to make a note on the Github link that something was wrong with that image and I’m not seeing a spot to do it :(.

I agree with you 100%. I have (or rather had) Hass.io running on Ubuntu and that was an awakening because I originally assumed it was designed to run only on an RPi. So the docs did give me the incorrect impression that Hass.io and HassOS were inseparable and machine-specific.

Maybe this?

You don’t use the links on the documentation pages to report issues with the software. The github links for documentation are for the documentation only

If you’re comfortable with Docker, it’s a quick way to get started and lets you use Add-ons in the future if you choose to.

Simple install command for installing Hass.io on a Generic Ubuntu/Debian machine:

sudo -i
add-apt-repository universe
apt-get update
apt-get install -y apparmor-utils apt-transport-https avahi-daemon ca-certificates curl dbus jq network-manager socat software-properties-common
curl -sSL https://get.docker.com | sh
curl -sL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/home-assistant/hassio-build/master/install/hassio_install" | bash -s

-From a gist by Frenck.

For installing Hass.io on a Linux system, that is actually it. At that point let it install and then you should be able to access it at it’s URL.

Sorry but you are still screwing up the terminology and hence you are misunderstanding what you want to do.

Hassbian is literally just a Raspbian OS (based on linux Debian OS) that has the installation scripts for Home Assistant pre-installed so that as soon as you fire up the image it will download and install home assistant in all the correct locations with all of the correct permissions. If you truly are having permission issues then there is definitely something wrong with the image. Report it.

But to your statement above…

You do not need to install “hassbian”. You will need to install “raspbian” then decide how you want to install “Home Assistant”.

You can do that several ways:

  1. Manually install Home Assistant in a virtual environment.
  1. Install Home Assistant in a Docker container.
  1. Install Home Assistant by installing Hassio in Docker.

and that is only the three standard most popular ways people do it. There are a bunch of other install methods if none of the above work for you.

Can we stop with these endless posts? @dsldsl1980 now has home assistant running on hassbian.

Let’s leave it at that, he can now play and start new threads on any further problems, which will be unrelated to this thread.