Has someone already rebuilt a energy device detection like discovergy does?

Discovergy announces a beta feature where it discovers several devices in your household depending on the heuristic based on the wattage/phase in your house:

Discovergy (see the beta feature)

This should be possible to rebuild in HA if you know what devices hang on which phase.
Has someone already worked on this project idea?

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Created this account just to raise the same question.
Added a shelly3em recently to HA and was wondering, if there is already an addon/integration available allowing to use this data to detect devices based on existing consumption patterns.
Alternatively, this could be also trained manually.

Is this similar to what Sense does? I would be interested in exploring this… I am familiar with machine learning models and would like to explore this further. There is definitely interest within the scientific community for these approaches called Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring. See this Nature article.

I use a website for my current smartthings setup and he apparently is able to do this for a specific aeotec device. But I am interested in moving to Home Assistant in the near future so I would rather invest in a solution that HA can leverage.