Has the BoM sensor failed for anyone else?

It only updates on a restart of HA then no further updates come in.

- platform: bom
  station: IDT60901.94970
  name: Hobart
  - apparent_t
  - gust_kt
  - air_temp
  - dewpt
  - press
  - rain_trace
  - rel_hum
  - wind_dir
  - wind_spd_kt

I can’t even use this to update it manually:

- id: weather_update
  alias: 'Weather Update'
  hide_entity: true
  initial_state: true
  - platform: time_pattern # Matches every hour at 10 minutes past whole
    minutes: 10
  - platform: time_pattern # Matches every hour at 40 minutes past whole
    minutes: 40
    service: homeassistant.update_entity
    - sensor.bom_hobart_air_temp_c
    - sensor.bom_hobart_dew_point_c
    - sensor.bom_hobart_feels_like_c
    - sensor.bom_hobart_pressure_mb
    - sensor.bom_hobart_rain_today
    - sensor.bom_hobart_relative_humidity
    - sensor.bom_hobart_wind_direction
    - sensor.bom_hobart_wind_gust_kt
    - sensor.bom_hobart_wind_speed_kt

Checking the BoM website there are observations being added every 30 minutes.

Updating to 0.92 fixed the problem.

I’m on 0.92.2 and still got bom.sensor errors… this is hugely descriptive error I get…


has anyone else seen and managed to resolve this - appeared around 0.91 from memory

my sensor config is:

  • platform: bom
    station: IDV60901.94870
    • apparent_t
    • cloud
    • gust_kt
    • air_temp
    • dewpt
    • press
    • rain_trace
    • rel_hum
    • vis_km
    • weather
    • wind_dir
    • wind_spd_kt

Have you updated to the new component?

You need this in your config as well as the sensor config.:

  - platform: bom

Also please take note of points 3 and 11 in this: How to help us help you - or How to ask a good question

Thanks for that… Unfortunately it makes no difference. The documentation indicates the weather component is an alternative to the sensor, rather than a dependency.

On HASSIO it works, but not Hassbian, yet there are no documented dependencies that I can see

Yeah you’re right. That is not needed for the sensor.

That’s pretty specific. You should open an issue: Issues · home-assistant/core · GitHub

I resolved my issue last night (in case anyone also has it) … when I delved deeper into my logs, I found that Pillow was trying to upgrade the bomradarloop module, and failing.

the resolution ended up being:

sudo aptitude install libtiff5-dev libjpeg8-dev zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev liblcms2-dev libwebp-dev libharfbuzz-dev libfribidi-dev tcl8.6-dev tk8.6-dev python-tk

then activating the python venv, and upgrading Pillow

source  /srv/homeassistant/bin/activate 
pip install Pillow
pip install bomradarloop

reboot, and voila - bom sensor working again