HASS always adds new device_tracker devices

since a view weeks home assistant always adding new devices to my device tracks (and to my known_devices.yml). I do presence detection with my unifi software, so I setup

  - platform: unifi
    host: !secret unifi_host
    port: !secret unifi_port
    username: !secret unifi_user
    password: !secret unifi_password
    track_new_devices: false
    verify_ssl: False

Has there anything changed which I forgot to change in my config file?


track_new_devices: no

Tried it but it also did not work. Always getting all my network devices and servers as device listed.

Are you saying that you’re removing them from known_devices and they’re repopulating?

hello @teqqy, have a look at this topic Track_new_devices: no - not working