I’m using my Fritz!Box as device tracker and track_new_devices parameter is set to no, still new devices which connect to the network are added to known_devices.yaml with track: true.
This is my config for device_tracker:
- platform: fritz
password: mypassword
consider_home: 180
track_new_devices: no
I tried also with track_new_devices: false, but the result is always the same.
thanks a lot @forsquirel and @anon43302295!
I’ve updated my config as explained in the Device Tracker documentation and now everything is working as expected
my configuration looks the same as yours, but all devices will show up. So the “track_new_devices” doesn’t work for me.
Do you have any suggestions?
Ok, this works. What I don’t like is that all devices will be stored in my known_devices.yaml anyway. Even if I add the track_new_devices is false. The only diffrence is, that all new entrys have the tracking option = false.
Thank you!