HASS becomes unreachable after 0.117 upgrade

I upgraded to 0.117 yesterday and after some time (few hours?), home assistant is just completely unreachable. Samba, SSH, Webinterface, Automations, nothing works. I had to disconnect the power to get it back up, twice.
I restored a snapshot from 0.116.4 and it’s running fine now with no issues. It seems that the logs don’t persist between reboots, is that correct? If yes, how can I start debugging this?
I’m running on Raspi4 with lots of integrations.

arch aarch64
chassis embedded
dev false
docker true
docker_version 19.03.11
hassio true
host_os HassOS 4.15
installation_type Home Assistant OS
os_name Linux
os_version 4.19.127-v8
python_version 3.8.5
supervisor 2020.10.0
timezone Europe/Berlin
version 0.116.4
virtualenv false

I think I have the same issue.

i think so too :frowning:

Same here.

same here (although running HA Core in venv on RPi); when 0.117.1 gets fired up, it uses 100% of cpu and never completes initial HA setup. Rolling back to 0.116.4 returns to normal. Removed all custom components and no joy as of yet

Same here unfortunately

Looks like there’s an issue with rest sensors causing HA boot to hang

If you have a REST sensor with a resource_template comment it out and reboot

I do not have those, I have removed all the hacs cards as well. 0.116.4 is stable. 0.117.0/1 are not.
Weird thing, if you leave te screen open it updates the sensors, but a refresh does nto work anymore.

The time it takes to show this behaviour varies, but mostly after 10 minutes or so.
No extra CPU usage or errorlogs

Same behaviour here, when I look for example a sensor history, i see data during 30 mins then nothing for 1 hour, then data again during 30 mins then nothing. I restored 0.116.4 and no problems at all.

So 0.117.1 is not the greatest release :slight_smile:

Same here…

Same. At this moment the cpu rond constant +30% usage and at 50’C while almpst nothing on it but 8 mqtt sensors and 4 switches. This is since update to 0.117. Please people fix this!

same problem here, 0.117.1 hangs after a random time.
reverted to 0.116.4 and everything is ok.

Did Someone Tried to install 0.117.2 ? does it fix the problem ?

I will try it :slight_smile:

I have 117.2 and all OK
I just needed to update all addons

I still have the same issue, it is not memory related on my system
First part is 0.116.4. I then upgraded to 0.117.2 which uses less memory but then stops repsonding a bit after 12.00
From there a straight line down to a restart

I updated to 0.117.2 and all ok after 10 hours

I had the same problems as you guys but I updated to 0.117.2 13 hours ago and no problems yet.

Looks like this is the issue:

So… did someone using ONVIF try to update to latest version?
I can confirm that I’m using ONVIF integration and I had the problem.
I can try to update during weekend.