Hass device discovery is unable to find some devices when connected to multiple vlan's

I have a multi-vlan setup to segregate my network (iso some devices without internet etc). When I have HA connected to these vlan’s, HA is unable to discover some devices (specifically a TP-Link EP10), but curiously can discover others (like a chromecast). I can manually add the IP and it will connect the EP10, so communication on that VLAN is working fine.

If I remove HA from all the other networks and only have HA connected to the network that TP-Link plug is on, HA discovers the plug instantly. I’m new to HA so im not fully sure how discovery works, but it seems that its maybe not discovering devices on all networks? If thats the case can I configure it to do this?

Ok after much digging into how the network actually works, I figured it out. I was on the right path with HA not using all the networks.

Basically the fix is enable advanced mode. Once thats enabled, in the network configuration there is a new section at the bottom that tells HA what network devices to use for integrations. Uncheck the default, and then all your devices will pop up as options, check the ones you want and it will work the way you expect. (this begs the question, why is the default not all devices?)

What extra devices did you have that you could select to get this working? I didn’t have a bunch of different devices in there.

Not sure if you are still monitoring this post but my question is where is the “advanced mode” setting that you enabled?

Click on your username in the bottom left-hand corner and it is at the bottom of the User Settings section:

Thank you.