HASS Docker container crashing randomly

Anybody here had any issues with the HASS docker container crashing with no error in the HASS log? Is there a way to debug and find the reason for the crash?
I used the installation procedure mentioned in the documentation (QNAP).
I suspect it has something to do with the ZWave component (20+ devices) since a second HASS container that doesn’t use ZWave never crashes.
Thank you.

I seem to be having the same problem (also running zwave) did you find a solution?

In my case the problem was the logging feature. Everything that happens (a lot with ZWave) is written in a file. This file grows so much and it reaches the limits of the container or the hard drive.
There are some options to limit the logging. It depends on your setup.

In my case:

  • locate the log file inside the container folder (/Container/container-station-data/lib/docker/containers/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
  • if the file is large proceed to the next steps. Otherwise you have a different problem.
  • in the same folder you will find a hostconfig.json file
  • stop Docker (Container Station disable) - implicitly the Home Assistant container. If not, whatever you change will be reset.
  • modify the LogConfig section with something this "LogConfig":{"Type":"json-file","Config":{"max-file":"3","max-size":"5mb"}}

This is the official Docker logging documentation in case you have a different setup.

humm i don’t think that i my issue my container has been running for a few days now and the logfile is only 13mb.

Im not sure where else to look as when the container exits with code 139 (seg fault??) nothing obvious is showing in the logs.