Hass-fe - Yet Another Front End

Just to share the frontend i use for my tablets around the house that control my devices. Its a simple start, written in quasar/vue.js, uses the latest auth system and gist for its configs. Its not really meant for big screens but it can easily be changed. it is a little specific to my setup but with a little bit of work that all can change. It is very easy to extend and everything it can do is configured through the UI. Id be more than happy to make some updates as people need and with all the devs out there… maybe a merge??

Anyway just wanted to share.


Do you still have this repo? I once made a start on a completely custom ui frontend made in vuejs. Was pretty simple to setup, but was struggling when I wanted to show things like camera feeds. Doesn’t seem like the backend/api/websockets provide any help with that. What would be the best approach to get camera feeds into a custom UI?