Hass in docker container with external database

Anyone have Hass in a docker container, connected to an external database , such as mariadb, on an rpi3? Ive gotten Haas and mariadb working when installed on the host directly without any issues. But when i have Hass in a contianer, I get an error in the Hass log file. I’ve tried it with mariadb in another container, and with mariadb installed directly on the host… In general ir works, but after a while, like the next day, I get an error in the Hass log about a connection error to the database due to a transaction that needs to be rolled back. If anyone has goten this working without this error, I would be interested in how it’s configured.

I know Hassio runs in Docker and there is a MariaDB addon which would be another Docker container.

If I were in your position wanting to try this I would install Hassio on Raspbian Lite. NOOBS Lite works great too.

I see a homeassistant/armhf-hassio-supervisor image and a homeassistant/armhf-addon-mariadb image. Does that sound right?

There is a proper installation process I used but the information is scattered. Are you running Raspbian? The official installation doc assumes an Intel compatible processor and Ubuntu.

sudo -i

apt-get install software-properties-common

apt-get update

apt-get install -y apparmor-utils apt-transport-https avahi-daemon ca-certificates curl dbus jq network-manager socat

curl -fsSL get.docker.com | sh

curl -sL "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/home-assistant/hassio-installer/master/hassio_install.sh" | bash -s --m raspberrypi3`

I am running Raspbian.

The above method should work. I am using it on Raspbian Lite because I do not need the desktop running on my Pi.

For now, I would recommend using version 0.91.4 though until bugs get worked out of 0.92.0

The general instructions are here. The above is based on the Linux installation.

I’m on Lite also. I’ll give this a try. Thank you.