Hass.io Add-on: Xbox One

try using your home assistants server ip address vs using “hassio.local”

your example hassio.local:5557
possible soultion x.x.x.x:5557

of course thats assuming you have the xbox one add on running

I just got this all setup my self. my issue is I have everything done it seems. just can’t get the media card to show up. its listing it as unavailable as others have mentioned. image

I am using @jmhill1287’ repo

Its fixed now. I took time to read the other comments above and I incorrectly assumed once I added @jmhill1287 repo and hit install that it would auto add the two files. I re-read post above to spot my error. you MUST create inti.py (double underscore before and after “inti”) and manifest.json
you will notice you may be missing the pycache folder. it will auto create it once you get those other two files in place, and restart HA

Should be __init.py__, not __inti.py__

@apop hmm. okay. should I change it? mine is working now. everything except source input changing

I’m surprised it works, but I subscribe to the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” theory. So if you’ve got it working with __inti.py__, I’d let it be until/unless it breaks. :laughing:

thanks! tough. I’ve worked on this for two days on and off. I might let it be. any ideas on why I’m unable to change source inputs?

If you’re using the source selection to try and launch a game, this is why:

Source Selection: Launch Pinned Apps from within Home Assistant

  • Apps only, Games not supported

actually trying to launch an app. netflix. currently on pandora

going for broke. restarting HA to see if it still works.

Gotcha - I really don’t use that functionality so I can’t help you much with it unfortunately.

Thanks for the details, I was just struggling with the exact same issue myself (all-be it on version 0.96). Turns out that after that I needed to restart the actual server (I’m using the hassio VM) rather than just restarting from the general screen in HA.
Thanks to all for the required file additions

It didn’t seem to make a difference by changing the name of the .py file.
At lest Its corrected on my end. maybe that file isn’t required anymore.

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And now the Add-on won’t start, can anyone help out?


I have managed to get this running, however, I am unable to select the source or control the volume.

I have already set up the TV and it’s working as Cortana can control the volume.

Any help appreciated :blush:


Same here. Luckily I’m running HA in Virtualbox and had a clone.
Had to restore 3 or 4 clones before giving up.
Created init.py and manifest.json as mentioned. Restart the HA server and it never comes back.

Has anyone come across this before:

[hassio.docker.addon] Can't build bd699e07/armv7-addon-xboxone:2.0.0: The command '/bin/ash -o pipefail -c apk add --no-cache jq gcc musl-dev python3-dev libffi-dev openssl-dev python3 &&     python3 -m ensurepip &&     rm -r /usr/lib/python*/ensurepip &&     pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools &&     if [ ! -e /usr/bin/pip ]; then ln -s pip3 /usr/bin/pip ; fi &&     if [[ ! -e /usr/bin/python ]]; then ln -sf /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python; fi &&     rm -r /root/.cache' returned a non-zero code: 43

I’m running hassio inside a docker container on a raspberry pi 4 and this add on just won’t install. On clicking the install button i see a spinning wheel for 10-20 seconds and then the above error in my logs.

I have the same error when I try to install the add-on

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Getting a similar issue on my Pi 3. I’m debugging right now, it actually seems to be hung up on the musl-dev package installation. No issues when running the amd64 container. I’ll keep digging.

I’ve submitted a pull request on @jmhill1287’s repository to update the base image pulled in build.json. Not sure why exactly, but this allowed me to properly install the offending package and make it through the build process. Feel free to try it out at my fork in the meantime if you want: https://github.com/ericleb010/hassio-addons


Thanks @ericleb010. I tried your fork and the add-on installed and started fine. However after updating the configuration.yaml and restarting HASS.IO, I get this error :

Integration xboxone not found when trying to verify its media_player platform.

Are you experiencing the same?