Hass.io Add-on: Xbox One

Thank you @apop!
I installed the addon and everything seems fine, I can view medias, turn off…but no turn on the xbox.

The only anomaly message i found in the logs is:

parse error: Expected string key before ‘:’ at line 1, column 4
[17:30:53] ERROR: Unknown HTTP error occured

once at the starting of the service.

Is there something to enable on the xbox? Any ideas?

Thank you!


Do you have instant-on mode set up on the Xbox? That’s needed for power-on to work, I believe. I always had issues with mine when using instant-on so I have energy saving mode on mine and use a Harmony Hub to power it on/off. So I unfortunately can’t suggest much more to you than checking on your instant-on mode setting.

Hi Ste, I had to restore from a snapshot this week and ever since my Xbox won’t turn on either despite multiple uninstalls, rebuilds etc. I think something may have changed on the Xbox end rather than with the component, when the Xbox is off I get repeated errors:

[2019-05-30 22:12:52,551] DEBUG in protocol: Sending ConnectRequest to

I managed to get it to turn on once after I opened the Xbox app on my Android phone, when to Console and connected the app to the console, then switched off and back on from Home Assistant once, but then after next switch off won’t come back on again.

Howdy Folks!
I finally got the Xbox Add-in sort-of working on 0.93.2. Component from Hass.io Add-ons - Xbox test : https://github.com/jmhill1287/hassio-addons working now.

My issues before were: oAuth related. Don’t forget that step. I also included an init.py file in the custom_components/xboxone/init.py (file just needs to exist, it is an empty file).

******** Issue Now *********
I cannot get the meda_player component to show up at all.

  - platform: xboxone
    device: <REDACTED>
    name: Living Room Xbox One

Any guidance for me?


Are you using lovelace? It might be under the “unused entities” section (top right menu)

Is there anything in the home-assistant.log?

Is your file init.py or __init__.py? It should be the latter.

Thank you very much! It’s working now, I can turn the xbox on and off.
When powered off via addon-on it hangs and need to be restarted. Turning off the console with the power button or the controller everything is working fine.
I’m going to automate a reset via hassio.addon_restart service and restart the add-on 30secs-1 min after a power off via UI is called.
I think this could solve the problem :wink:
Thank you!


Great idea, I’d noticed it works fine if the Xbox is switched off with remote control but no through HA. Thanks Ste!

Funny, for me it is the other way around. When turning it off via HA it will turn back on most of the time (not always). But when I use the button to turn it off it will most certainly not turn back on and need to restart the xbox-rest-server. Very annoying and I might automate this if I know how. For example whenever the xbox turns off it will restart the xbox-rest-server. (Btw I use Home Assistant not Hass.io so I don’t have the addon).

Seems whenever it is turned off it no longer discovers the xbox. After a restart it will get a discover response. Weird why it can’t keep the connection alive.

I only seem to see the status of “on” or “off”. However, once in awhile I’ll see something like “playing” or “paused” (which I’d prefer). But then it good back to on/off

Has anyone else seen this with their installation?

I think it depends on the app you’re using. The only content I tend to watch on my Xbox is on the Blu-Ray Player, and for me, I get very consistent play/pause status there. But I did test the YouTube app as well and did not get any status updates for that app.

Ah ok. I usually watch SlingTv, Hulu, and Netflix. I swear one of those was showing playing/paused and then it just went to on/off.

I’ll try some other apps and see if that’s what was doing it. Thanks apop.

I have added the repository to the latest version of HASS.IO and when i click on the install option it doesn’t do anything.

I also get cannot reach page when accessing


Make sure you’re using @jmhill1287’s repo (https://github.com/jmhill1287/hassio-addons).

I have the same problem as @andrew.vint - and I am using the correct jmhill1287 repo. I am on 0.94.2, and pressing “Install” just spins endlessly, doing nothing. Any one know a solution?

@samlikesturtlez I removed the repo and readied using that @apop mentioned which then let me install it properly.

Appears to be working but can’t get the media player option to function yet. Keeps saying component integration not found.

Here I am trying again with apop’s linked repo “jmhill1287” with “INSTALL” just spinning forever and ever and ever…

Never again - twice this add-on has completely ruined my HA

has there been a fix for this yet?

2019-07-17 20:06:53 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity.py", line 225, in async_update_ha_state
  File "/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/helpers/entity.py", line 282, in _async_write_ha_state
    supported_features = self.supported_features
  File "/config/custom_components/xboxone/media_player.py", line 534, in supported_features
    if not self._xboxone.volume_controls:
  File "/config/custom_components/xboxone/media_player.py", line 122, in volume_controls
    'mute': controls['buttons']['btn.vol_mute']['url'],
KeyError: 'btn.vol_mute'

Hi everyone,

I’ve tried to set up the Xbox One add-on in the listed way, via the repository and then installing the add-on, but when trying to access the hassio.local:5557 site, it refuses to connect and the log states this exactly:

/run.sh: line 14: 12 Segmentation fault (core dumped) xbox-rest-server

Could anyone help resolve this? Thanks.