Hass.io Add-on: Xbox One

I’m having the same issue now, got it working but can’t change any sources. Can only play, pause, previous/next and turn off. Can turn on and sources from the first group on my Xbox One dashboard are listed, but I can’t change source.

Hi All,

I’m having problems with the XBOX addon using https://github.com/ericleb010/hassio-addons.

Got the addon installed and working, I can turn off xboxone, but cannot turn it back on.

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Double-checked static IP used for xboxone, can ping IP address.
  2. Double-checked that power-setting on xboxone is set to Instant On
  3. I turn on the xboxone, and still not working.

Can anyone guide me on how next steps?

Update: I can natively call and poweron the xboxone with this url (GET): http://:5557/device//poweron

[2019-09-12 11:53:24,284] INFO in manager: Received Message.CONFIGURATION response - - [2019-09-12 11:53:24] "GET /device/<xbox>/connect HTTP/1.1" 200 156 100.764920
[2019-09-12 11:53:24,290] DEBUG in connectionpool: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): titlehub.xboxlive.com:443
[2019-09-12 11:53:24,565] DEBUG in connectionpool: https://titlehub.xboxlive.com:443 "GET /users/xuid(<xbox uid>)/titles/titleid(368200277)/decoration/i,m,a,g,e HTTP/1.1" 404 39 - - [2019-09-12 11:53:24] "GET /device/<xbox>/console_status HTTP/1.1" 200 1105 0.277732 - - [2019-09-12 11:53:24] "GET /device/<xbox>/media_status HTTP/1.1" 200 145 0.000393
[2019-09-12 11:53:26,703] DEBUG in protocol: Sending Ack message on ServiceChannel Core to
[2019-09-12 11:53:26,707] DEBUG in protocol: Received Ack message on ServiceChannel Ack from
[2019-09-12 11:53:29,710] DEBUG in protocol: Sending Ack message on ServiceChannel Core to
[2019-09-12 11:53:29,711] DEBUG in protocol: Received Ack message on ServiceChannel Ack from
[2019-09-12 11:53:29,719] DEBUG in protocol: Received Ack message on ServiceChannel Ack from
[2019-09-12 11:53:32,722] DEBUG in protocol: Sending Ack message on ServiceChannel Core to
[2019-09-12 11:53:32,723] DEBUG in protocol: Received Ack message on ServiceChannel Ack from
[2019-09-12 11:53:32,732] DEBUG in protocol: Received Ack message on ServiceChannel Ack from - - [2019-09-12 11:53:34] "GET /versions HTTP/1.1" 200 317 0.027717 - - [2019-09-12 11:53:34] "GET /auth HTTP/1.1" 200 5844 0.001469
[2019-09-12 11:53:34,184] DEBUG in protocol: Received DiscoverResponse from
[2019-09-12 11:53:34,185] DEBUG in protocol: Received DiscoverResponse from
[2019-09-12 11:53:34,587] DEBUG in protocol: Received DiscoverResponse from
[2019-09-12 11:53:34,588] DEBUG in protocol: Received DiscoverResponse from
[2019-09-12 11:53:35,204] DEBUG in protocol: Received DiscoverResponse from
[2019-09-12 11:53:35,205] DEBUG in protocol: Received DiscoverResponse from
[2019-09-12 11:53:35,610] DEBUG in protocol: Received DiscoverResponse from
[2019-09-12 11:53:35,611] DEBUG in protocol: Received DiscoverResponse from
[2019-09-12 11:53:35,734] DEBUG in protocol: Sending Ack message on ServiceChannel Core to
[2019-09-12 11:53:35,735] DEBUG in protocol: Received Ack message on ServiceChannel Ack from
[2019-09-12 11:53:35,744] DEBUG in protocol: Received Ack message on ServiceChannel Ack from
[2019-09-12 11:53:36,063] DEBUG in protocol: Received DiscoverResponse from
[2019-09-12 11:53:36,064] DEBUG in protocol: Received DiscoverResponse from - - [2019-09-12 11:53:36] "GET /device HTTP/1.1" 200 511 2.507206 - - [2019-09-12 11:53:36] "GET /device/<xbox> HTTP/1.1" 200 489 0.000507
[2019-09-12 11:53:36,562] DEBUG in connectionpool: Starting new HTTPS connection (1): titlehub.xboxlive.com:443
[2019-09-12 11:53:36,806] DEBUG in connectionpool: https://titlehub.xboxlive.com:443 "GET /users/xuid(<xbox uid>)/titles/titleid(368200277)/decoration/i,m,a,g,e HTTP/1.1" 404 39 - - [2019-09-12 11:53:36] "GET /device/<xbox>/console_status HTTP/1.1" 200 1105 0.246782 - - [2019-09-12 11:53:36] "GET /device/<xbox>/media_status HTTP/1.1" 200 145 0.000413
[2019-09-12 11:53:38,745] DEBUG in protocol: Sending Ack message on ServiceChannel Core to
[2019-09-12 11:53:38,746] DEBUG in protocol: Received Ack message on ServiceChannel Ack from
[2019-09-12 11:53:38,754] DEBUG in protocol: Received Ack message on ServiceChannel Ack from
[2019-09-12 12:11:54,110] ERROR in app: {'success': False, 'message': 'Console <xbox> is not connected'} - - [2019-09-12 12:11:54] "GET /device/<xbox>/poweroff HTTP/1.1" 403 187 0.000881

Thanks in Advance,

I have same experience. Any solutions?

I used ericleb010 and I have this error on install:

ERROR (SyncWorker_14) [hassio.docker.addon] Can't build 840189d6/armv7-addon-xboxone:2.0.1: The command '/bin/ash -o pipefail -c apk add --no-cache jq gcc musl-dev python3-dev libffi-dev openssl-dev python3 &&     python3 -m ensurepip &&     rm -r /usr/lib/python*/ensurepip &&     pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools &&     if [ ! -e /usr/bin/pip ]; then ln -s pip3 /usr/bin/pip ; fi &&     if [[ ! -e /usr/bin/python ]]; then ln -sf /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python; fi &&     rm -r /root/.cache' returned a non-zero code: 11

I might have time to try and reproduce this tonight, although this week will probably be busy for me. I’ll let you know if it falls for me too. You may have to provide more details though like OS and architecture.

I’m on PI3 hassio in docker.

Happy to help troubleshoot. Below are my details.

hassio: 0.98.5
hass.io supervisor: 188
Host NUC/Proxmox, HassOS 2.12
Deployment production

I’m working on getting this add-on going to a dockerized instance of home-assistant (no hass.io, no virtual environment).

Thoughts on where to begin? I can pip install whatever I need - but I’m not sure that’ll be useful with the HA instance being dockerized.

Hey all, I’ve just released version 2.0.2. This should fix the build issues you’ve been seeing. Also, I’ve figured out the HA Builder so I also threw everything up onto my Docker Hub, which should significantly reduce install times. Let me know if everything looks okay now.

1 Like

Updated mine and now wont start any ideas?

Do you have logs to share?

Hi Eric,
First, thank you for taking the time to update!
I wanted to let you know that I too have updated, but when I try and start, nothing is showing in the logs-- which is weird.
I have look in the component logs, as well as homeassistant.log which yields 3x nothing:

2019-09-23 17:48:27 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.loader] You are using a custom integration for xboxone which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you do experience issues with Home Assistant.

2019-09-23 17:48:29 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.core] Error doing job: Task exception was never retrieved

Should we turn up logging on any component?
Any other thought?


Thanks Bryan. What version of HA are you running? I updated mine to 0.99.2 from 0.97.x and everything ran fine. I did add a constraint on the version as part of these changes but I don’t know if that broke things.

hassio: 0.99.2
hass.io supervisor: 188
Host NUC/Proxmox, HassOS 2.12
Deployment production

Only error I can find is

19-09-25 20:48:30 ERROR (SyncWorker_12) [hassio.docker] Can’t create container from addon_840189d6_xboxone: 404 Client Error: Not Found (“No such image: ericleb010/hassio-armv7-xboxone:2.0.2”)

That doesn’t sound right: https://cloud.docker.com/repository/docker/ericleb010/hassio-armv7-xboxone

I’m not really sure at this point… My expertise here stops at the container level. You’re free to add the build.json that I removed and build it locally, and play around with it to see if you can get more verbose logging. But until the weekend I won’t have any ability to debug.

Home Assistant: 0.98.5,
run Raspberry 2

I am trying problems setting up this addon. I used it normally, but after upgrading to version 0.98.5, it crashed.

Now I'm trying to get it back to work ... I've removed the repo and added it again. Same mistake:

19-10-12 01:57:21 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.store.git] Update add-on GitHub - home-assistant/addons: ➕ Docker add-ons for Home Assistant repository
19-10-12 01:57:32 INFO (MainThread) [hassio.store] Load add-ons from store: 62 all - 0 new - 0 remove
19-10-12 02:43:13 INFO (SyncWorker_9) [hassio.docker.interface] Pull image hunterjm/hassio-armv7-xboxone tag 2.0.0.
19-10-12 02:43:16 ERROR (SyncWorker_9) [hassio.docker.interface] Can’t install hunterjm/hassio-armv7-xboxone:2.0.0 → 404 Client Error: Not Found (“pull access denied for hunterjm/hassio-armv7-xboxone, repository does not exist or may require ‘docker login’”)

I tried this repo too.

I get msg: This add-on is not available on your system.

Can you provide more log detail after having tried my repo?

Hello, how are you ? Thanks for trying to help me. Come on
your repo does not make a mistake. Only the addon is marked as: This add-on is not available on your system.09

Home Assistant