Hass.io Add-on: Xbox One

Trying to power on my xbox in HA. Found this addon but it is archived. Is there an alternative?

Dunno but this add-on appears to be dead tons of errors in log for it but no Dev anymore.

I would have thought Xbox add-on would be quite popular but obviously not :confused:

Try this. Works for me.

Well it seems that the repository is dead Link
ā€œThis repository has been archived by the owner. It is now read-only.ā€

xbox one -smartglass media player is archived.
It gives a lot of errors:

  • You have OpenXbox/xboxone-home-assistant installed with HACS this repository has been removed, please consider removing it. Removal reason (archived)
  • Detected I/O inside the event loop. This is causing stability issues. Please report issue to the custom component author for xboxone doing I/O at custom_components/xboxone/media_player.p

also when installed i can shutdown the xbox but i caanot start it. I disabled the power save function on the xbox

I saw this email from the dev and was hoping to see an improved version to the current one but it was reported as an issue and now issues are disabled on the repository so I have no idea whatā€™s happening. Maybe it is still in the works and we will see a new version soon.

Oh wow, You are right @codehunter13
I just opened the Hacs and i got the information that it is archived, Iā€™m sure that it was not there in morning.

So, quite sad information, as I have some cool automation that use it.

@jes1417 I have seen that also so maybe we will have the native support that wuld be cool.

i see also this add-on is deprecated but still working for meā€¦

Thanks for noticing. Yes, thats still the case and being worked on.
Please be patient.
I know that the addon currently is in a bad shape. Thanks for your understanding.

PS: Addon is unarchived now and can be used for the time being, with all its limitationsā€¦


still showing as archived for me? Do I just need to reinstall it?

Thatā€™s what I tried to do but now it comes up as ā€œblacklistedā€ when I try to add the repo.

thanks yeah, I cannot reinstall either so looks dead for now

I had this same issue so I forked the project and us that as a custom repo in hacs.

I reinstalled manually adding it to custom_components instead of using the HACS UI and it is working fine.

For the time being, you might wanna check out these two forks of the xboxone component:

It might solve the I/O warning in the logs.

@tuxuser Is there any way to replace the ā€œTHIS IS A PLACEHOLDERā€ image that is shown when the Xbox is on the idle screen? It would be nice if this could be changed to an Xbox logo or something else.

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Hey, @pizzakid25 Iā€™m not sure about the default media player but if you use mini media player:

there is a setting from Idle view you can use. Iā€™m not using it as I like it minimalised or even hidden from view, so you need to play around with that.

Hope this helps.

Those watching this thread might be interested in whatā€™s coming in 0.117 :slight_smile:

Docs preview:


thanks @hunterjm canā€™t see the time 0.117 is released!

If I could like this post more than once I would. Looking forward to .117! :partying_face:

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