Hass.io add-ons dependenies

I’m currently trying to develop some Hass.io add-ons. I have the problem that the addons have to be started in a certain order, database, MQTT brocker, service 1, service 2.
Due to the documentation I set the service property in config.json:

“services”: [“service1:provide”]

If I now start this add-on, I get the following error message:

19-04-05 09:10:15 WARNING (MainThread) [hassio.addons.data] Can't read /data/addons/local/service1/config.json: does not match regular expression @ data['services'][0]. Got 'service1:provide'
required key not provided @ data['arch']. Got None

Is it possible to use only mqtt for the service property as well as for the discovery property? Is there another way to define dependencies?

Thank you