Hass.io Add-ons not displaying in the sidebar

I’ve noticed in some screenshots of Hass.io Add-Ons that when installed they appear to create items in the sidebar. When I install these same Add-Ons (such as Node-Red) they do not appear there. Is there some other step that I am missing to get them to show up?

I installed Hass.io over Ubuntu 18.04 using the script found at the end of this page:

And with some of the information from this blog post, mostly regarding Docker: https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/2017/11/29/hassio-virtual-machine/

It doesn’t seem like this should be a limitation of not running the Hass.io image on a Pi - am I missing a step?

Yes you are missing a step.

All those addons will have an iFrame configuration. You need to configure that. Example:

# iFrame Configurator, Terminal, Tasmoadmin & MDI Icon Files
    title: Configurator
    icon: mdi:wrench
    url: !secret configurator
    title: IDE
    icon: mdi:code-braces
    url: !secret ide-cloud9    
    title: Terminal
    icon: mdi:console
    url: !secret terminal
    title: Tasmo Admin
    icon: mdi:lightbulb-on
    url: !secret tasmoadmin
    title: Log Viewer
    icon: mdi:script
    url: !secret logviewer
    title: MDI Icon Index
    icon: mdi:vector-square
    url: https://cdn.rawgit.com/james-fry/home-assistant-mdi/efd95d7a/home-assistant-mdi.html

Awesome, thank you very much! Was a bit miffed that it wasn’t automated (heh) but on seeing this I love that it’s customizable to any web application, not just Hass.io Add-Ons. Who needs Organizr now? :slight_smile:

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the !secret does not work with me. you know why?

Your replying to a message from September 18th. This information is outdated. To show most add-ons in the sidebar, just toggle the switch in the add-on.


Thanks for this tip @DavidFW1960
The Plex Media Server integration doesn’t have the “Show in sidebar” option but your config added to configuration.yaml works nicely. Beats having an extra tab open.

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