Hass.io and Busware CUL 868 for Homematic devices (via Homegear)

i’m trying to move my HASSbian installation to Hass.io.
Most components work fine, now i’m having some trouble with my Busware CUL 868, which runs fine via Homegear in HASSbian to control some Homematic devices.
I understand, that with Hass.io using the console is minimized.
How am i supposed to use Homegear for connecting my CUL to Hass? Or is there another way with Hass.io?
Thanks in advance!

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I have the same question.
Seems as we would have to move to hass.io sooner or later according to
https://home-assistant.io/blog/2017/10/06/deprecating-python-3.4-support/ but it seems that it (hass.io) is lacking homegear support :frowning:

Homegear seems to work with hass.io (Hass.io with additional docker container (for Homegear)), but i’m missing a solution to use my Busware CUL with my RaspPi and hass.io :sweat:

I’ve also got the Busware CUL so I am in the same boat …

Thanks to yeah (Jan), there is a new repository on github https://github.com/yeah/hassio-addons supporting the CUL. You can use the “Add-On Repositories” and paste the url into the browser.
From the homegear logs I can see the CUL “sending”, but homatic still does not work for me.
in configuration.yaml I have added this:
resolvenames: metadata
port: 2001