Hass.io and HADashboard setup - Java error

I’m can’t seem to get anything to display. I’ve installed the hass.io addon for AppDaemon and the Nginx Proxy with the settings above. I’ve also added the Dnsmasq and added a host for cp.local.io with the IP of my PI. I checked the logs for AppDaemon and it is says the dashboard has started and that it’s connected to Home Assistant. Is there something I’m missing or did I do something wrong? Thanks in advance, I’m still trying to learn everything but excited to get it all set up.

Hey, I got my setup working, I just redid the whole installation of the addons one more time and reconfigured everything as described above…

I am now facing the issue, that the recompiling of the dashboards does not work after a while. Although I have put the recompile settings as follows:


dash_url: http://cp.local.io
dash_dir: /config/hadaemon/dashboards
dash_force_compile: 1
dash_compile_on_start: 1

Also the manuel trigger over URL?recompile=1 does not work. Only chance I have is renaming the dashboards…

When you say “doesn’t work” - what happens?

Whenever I make a change on the config files, the dashboard does not take over the changes.

What are the logfiles saying?

I’m getting closer on getting everything set up but still getting the same java error. I believe my issue is with my Dnsmasq setup. I installed the addon and using the below for my options, does it look right or I’m I doing something wrong?

  "defaults": [
  "forwards": [],
  "hosts": [
      "host": "cp.local.io",
      "ip": ""
  "interface": "eth1"

I can’t find any problems regarding the recompiling in the hadaemon.log:

2017-08-09 22:22:10.584742 INFO Compiling dashboard ‘DashLight’
2017-08-09 22:22:15.401883 INFO function [compile_dash] finished in 4833 ms
2017-08-09 22:22:15.520203 INFO Dashboard disconnected
2017-08-09 22:22:15.863966 INFO New dashboard connected: Light Panel

are there any other more interesting logs?

I have the same problem. Did you solve it?

Same error
tried the above suggestions but I cannot get nginx to start .
i suspect it is due to running emulated hue bridge for google home which has to use port 80.
nginx start logs :
Aug 15 07:43:27 HASS1-RPI3 hassio-start[30019]: #033[31m17-08-15 14:43:27 ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [hassio.dock.addon] Can’t run bestlibre/armhf-nginx-proxy -> 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error (“driver failed programming external connectivity on endpoint addon_53caca22_nginx_proxy (ff53284deaa4d8e129df7bc73afae2220f773a77f442105623dced5aaf1e5935): Error starting userland proxy: listen tcp bind: address already in use”)#033[0m

Im lost…
any suggestions?

I followed you instructions with the set-up, but receiving following error when I open a test panel by typing http://cp.local.io/Single in a browser.

“jquery-3.1.1.min.js:4 GET http://hassio.io/state/sensor.utomhus_temperature net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED”

Any advice?

My configuration is Hass.io on ResinOS with AppDaemon and NGINGX proxy plugin.

cert_verify: False
disable_apps: 1
logfile: STDOUT
errorfile: STDERR
threads: 10
app_dir: /config/hadaemon/apps

ha_key: password

dash_url: http://cp.local.io
dash_dir: /config/hadaemon/dashboards

Is there anyone looking at the java error?

Did you ever find a solution to this? I’m having same error

I think It has to do with needing a proxy to forward requests on port 80 to port 3030. But I still have not got it working. Would love a step by step.

yeah me as well. I figured that the issue is with the forwarding as well, but I can’t seem to get nginx to start in hass.io, so it won’t let me do the redirect.

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Yah…ngix won’t start in hass.io if it is not properly configured. I am going to give a deep dive tomorrow to see if I can figure it out.

I’ve also been trying and failed to get HADashboard to work under hassio. There seems to be many different documents and conflicting advice. NGinx doesn’t like my domain name as it’s too long and barfs and I can’t find the config file for it. Having just migrated from OpenHab, I’m keen to get a panel up and running, this was simple in OpenHab using HABPanel as it could be edited in the browser but HADashboard is a nightmare.

This is a 3rd party project I am building in my spare time and is not yet integrated into HASS (although that is planned). In addition, HASS.IO was never a target environment for it to run in. If you think it’s a nightmare feel free to not use it.

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it probably would be less of a nightmare if you didnt use hassio :wink:

I think you might be right. Any recommendations for running home assistant in a Pi

Oooooooi! Tetchy! :smile: