Hass.io as Docker\VM on Ubuntu server

I have a pi but want to move everything into a nuc.I prefer to use hass.io because it’s easier to update and backup and the add-ons are nice.

I know I can install hass.io directly into the nuc but I’d like to have the option of having some non-hass.io related docker programs.

Is that possible?

Do I install Ubuntu then install hass.io then install my other docker programs?

Or do I install Ubuntu then docker and install hass.io into a docker which would result in 2 sub-containers?

That is exactly how it works. They aren’t ‘sub-containers’ though. They are just normal Docker containers.

The script merely downloads the appropriate container for your architecture, and creates the systemd service to kick off the container on startup, as well as mapping through some directories.

You can’t actually do this at this time. HASSOS does not have a NUC install yet.

Does anyone have the Zigbee portion of the HUSBZB-1 working on an intel NUC running Hass.io? I have everything running perfectly but had to keep my zigbee devices running on Smartthings and connecting via MQTT. For some this reason, this is bugging the hell out of me even though its all running well without any delay.


This video from hasscats best one I looked at for this worked first time no additions so :grin:

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