Hass.io as Docker\VM on Ubuntu server

Hello, everyone,

I’ll start with questions, so you don’t have to waste time reading all the details first:

  • Can I install hass.io on Ubuntu server?
  • I’ve read that Hass.io is just, what, 2 docker containers and one per plugin? One for hass, one for ‘supervisor’ (a fancy name for a plugin\hass-related-docker management UI? Or what else is it responsible for?) and then supervisor creates additional docker containers for each plugin, right?
  • What’s the easiest\fastest way to get all these up and running on Ubuntu, did anyone succeed in doing it?
  • How easy is it to setup ZWave in this case? I remember back in the day I had to setup ZWave stuff manually, but latest versions of hassbian have that handled.
  • What about using a full virtual machine instead, how hard would that be to run Hass.io like that? What would be the advantages? Backing up the whole system image is a nice thing, but is it worth it?

Some background information:

So it’s been a… what now, over a year as I use Hassbian on Raspberry Pi and about the same as I run my own DIY NAS server. Back then my two main pros for using RPi were - uptime and stability, as I was not sure about how good and stable will my NAS be. But it actually runs just as stable as Raspberry Pi, if not more stable. And it’s certainly faster, as it has a i7 2600K and now upgraded to 16Gigs of RAM. And it rarely goes down.

So, since it’s not really doing much anyway, a lot of processing power is just wasted, I decided - why not free up my Raspberry Pi for some other fun project, and just move HASS into my NAS as well? I could get just homeassistant up and running inside a docker (actually just did it for testing), and manage it that way, but I like the idea of a hass.io managment UI, sounds like a useful thing. And I DO want to have addons working, that’s the point of hass.io in my opinion. Like web config, I wanted that for a while now.

But will it blend work?

Thanks for your time.



You are correct.

See my link…

It would be an identical install, and kind of pointless to run a VM inside a linux host and inside that run hassio, if you have the ability to run Docker on the host itself.

You can do that with hassio…

The previous answer pretty much covers it. Just want to add that if you are currently using Bluetooth on your pi for something with hass, that won’t work on the nuc, at least not yet. That said I’m running hassio in docker directly on Ubuntu server on an Intel nuc and it’s super stable and I’m so happy with doing this setup.

Thanks, @flamingm0e ! Saw those guides, just wanted to be certain. Is there anything I need to worry about with hass.io install script? I mean, are there any changes that could potentially break something in my system? I’ll make sure to read the script, but if you or someone already has an answer, that would be highly appreciated! :slight_smile:

Thanks, @teachingbirds useful information if I or someone else decides to use NUC for it. For now I did not plan to use it though :slight_smile:

What about USB Bluetooth sticks, do those work fine?

If you just use normal Home Assistant in Docker, you can use the built in Bluetooth.

Well, that actually installed much faster than I anticipated. Installed dependencies, ran installation script and it seems to be working. Thanks, will play around with it :slight_smile:

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So, i’ve got another question about this setup. I’m not very familiar with Docker. I know that I can mount\reroute container folders to the host system. But I’m not sure whether I can do it with already running container, and if it’s even advisable with hass.io

I basically just need to access configuration folder from my host to setup samba share. Naturally I can’t use Samba Add-On, because it overrides my NAS shares. Unless there’s a way to somehow mix them.

It’s not critical, because I can use configurator add-on, but it would speed up the process of moving my current config over, i think i can only upload files one by one with configurator.

Is there some reason you aren’t using straight Docker Home Assistant? Why HASSIO?

Your config directory is already mounted to your host, because that’s a basic part of hassio.

I have the same idea… To run hassio in a VM and free up my p3 for something else.

The reason for going to a hassio VM rather than to a Home Assistant Docker for me at least has to do with ease useage … updates with a click, Addon store and more.

You don’t have to run it in VM. I’m still setting it up, but so far it looks like it’s fine with just running in docker on the host. I’m no expert, but I feel like VM may limit it’s performance and\or take up too much resources, compared to just running it on the host in Docker.

It already has all updates through hass.io.

And for me, I want to use hass.io because, well, I wanted to try it :smiley: And because of one click updates and one click add-ons.

@flamingm0e , thanks, do you happen to remember where’s it located?

you should be able to see the mappings in docker inspect hassio

looking at the install script it looks like /usr/share/hassio?

Yep, it’s there! :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot, @flamingm0e! Saved me a lot of time.

I’m looking to try Hass.io in docker on a qnap. What method did you use to install it on your setup?

Thanks, fails on first environment check.
[Error] Only systemd is supported!

I’ll need to figure out what the shares are for the individual docker images.

You can read install script to find links to shares, and see what you need to setup.

You can’t put a Hass.io docker setup in a docker container. Just install the typical home-assistant docker container from docker hub that fits your processor type and call it a day.

You can’t put resinos in a docker container, no, but you can install hassio as docker, it will be one container for hass.io and one for supervisor.


Yes, hassio install script just creates 2 docker containers (or even 1 for hassio, and hassio handles creation of hass container? not sure) and sets up startup script\service. I think that’s it. It does not even handle dependencies, it just checks if they are installed.

I don’t think there’s anything important in resinOS, quite the opposite - it’s a minimal distro with just enough to run Docker. If i’m not mistaken.

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