Hass.io behind (external) proxy login issue

I run Hass.io on a Pi3 and can access it through http://:8123. But when I put an NGNIX proxy running on another machine in front (used for other services as well) with SSL termination, I get the login page but after entering the password it waits a while and comes back with “Unable to connect”.
Is there any setting that needs te be adjusted or a HTTP header config?

This sounds like the web sockets issue. Try adding these 2 lines to your proxy location in your HA NGINX proxy configuration:

proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade;

And add this to the http section of your NGINX config:

    map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade {
        default upgrade;
        '' close;

Thanks. Once I’ve figured out where my Synology NAS stores its proxy configuration files ;o), I will test it. The web interface of this NAS won’t let me configure anything beyond destination address and protocol…

I don’t really know, but maybe adjust the base URL in the config.yaml file accordingly? Did you do that?

Did did not work… ;o(
I will dig deeper into the Synology file structure.

Long overdue update on this: I gave up on Synology DSM for the proxy and installed nginx (via optware) on a router running DD-WRT
v3.0. Works like a charm, including an LE certificate.