Hass.io Command line and XML


I have had to move to hass.io since hassbian is no longer working. Attached to the bottom of the message is the XML file. I can not get cat filename to work. All I can get is command line error and no other message. Is there something special you have to do to get command line to work? Or is there another way I can get this XML file to load as sensors?

Any suggestions is welcome.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
		<source url="http://www.hamqsl.com/solar.html">N0NBH</source>
		<updated> 14 Apr 2020 0019 GMT</updated>
		<aindex> 5</aindex>
		<kindex> 1</kindex>
		<kindexnt>No Report</kindexnt>
		<xray>  n/a   </xray>
		<heliumline> 91.8</heliumline>
		<latdegree>No Report</latdegree>
		<magneticfield>  0.5</magneticfield>
			<band name="80m-40m" time="day">Fair</band>
			<band name="30m-20m" time="day">Fair</band>
			<band name="17m-15m" time="day">Poor</band>
			<band name="12m-10m" time="day">Poor</band>
			<band name="80m-40m" time="night">Good</band>
			<band name="30m-20m" time="night">Fair</band>
			<band name="17m-15m" time="night">Poor</band>
			<band name="12m-10m" time="night">Poor</band>
			<phenomenon name="vhf-aurora" location="northern_hemi">Band Closed</phenomenon>
			<phenomenon name="E-Skip" location="europe">Band Closed</phenomenon>
			<phenomenon name="E-Skip" location="north_america">Band Closed</phenomenon>
			<phenomenon name="E-Skip" location="europe_6m">Band Closed</phenomenon>
			<phenomenon name="E-Skip" location="europe_4m">Band Closed</phenomenon>
		<geomagfield>VR QUIET</geomagfield>
		<fof2> 4.8</fof2>
		<muffactor> 3.07</muffactor>
