Hass.io+deCONZ+Conbee II - Add-on won't start..../dev/serial/by-id

Im having same issue, i have restarted the addon dozens of times and only once it actually picked up the device using /dev/serial/by-id/… devicename - what makes things even weirder, why sometimes it works but usually not.

I had the same problem a couple of minutes ago - by looking for the missing image in docker hub (in my case https://hub.docker.com/r/homeassistant/aarch64-addon-deconz/tags?page=1&ordering=last_updated) and a manual

docker pull homeassistant/aarch64-addon-deconz:6.7.2

fixed the issue for me. Probably there is still the bug which makes it not see it from the start but now I was able to start the service.

Having the same issue, never used docker before.

What do I need to do? Running Hassio.