Hass.io does not like ("quotes inside Parens") with inline comments

Took hours to figure this one out. I like using inline comments. I also like copying the docs in the code with comments while I am learning. I was learning about the Weather Underground component and in the monitor section I had comments for every monitor taken from the docs. Here is the culprit that got me.

  - pressure_trend         #  Atmospheric air pressure trend signal (+/-)   - Hass.io likes this line with parens.
  - visibility_km              #  Average visibility in km "see notes"    - Hass.io likes this line with quotes

  - weather_1h              #  Weather conditions in 1 hour. (e.g. “Thunderstorm” etc.) - Hass.io chokes - will not restart.

  - weather_1h              #  Weather conditions in 1 hour. (e.g. Thunderstorm etc.) - Hass.io likes.
  - weather_1h              #  Weather conditions in 1 hour. e.g. “Thunderstorm” etc. - Hass.io likes.

With that line in configuration.yaml, Hass,io will not restart until I removed the quotation marks within the comment. I even tried commenting out the whole line without removing it, but that did let Hass,io restart. Quotes had to go.

YAML specification says it ignores the rest of the line after a # symbol, so quotes within parenthesis should be okay.

I don’t know if this a Hass.io, component, monitor, or WU API issue.