Hass IO in a Virtual Machine

Have you run out of space? If so, resize the vmdk, download gparted iso and boot from that. Resize the partition, apply changes, remove the boot cd and reboot…

nb, if gparted is stuck in a boot loop, change the VM to “bios” from “efi”

obviously, backup everything first.

Hi guys, im a complete newbie on HassIO, I managed to install it on a linux VM with VMware but the web UI won’t load until i hit enter on the VM and type “root” as username, is there anyway to automate this process? Thanks so much in advance for your help

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i guess you installed hassbian and you don’t have a script to start home assistant ?

Hi Bobzer, no, I followed this steps https://www.ivobeerens.nl/2019/01/15/install-home-assistant-hass-io-in-vmware-workstation/

I don’t know,
this is strange, maybe look at the log to check if there is error.
I’m not experience in that sorry

I have plenty of space. When I run the Web Gui update, it pulls the latest docker image. Thinks for about 15 minutes and then comes back up running 0.92.2
I’m running Hass.io on Debian linux inside ESXi 6.5.
None of the hassio cli commands I’ve found are available to me.

I’ve never had a problem upgrading in the past on this system.

sysop@dockmaster : ~/ha $ sudo hassio

sudo: hassio: command not found

During the long wait I run the show images command.

sysop@dockmaster:~/ha$ docker images |grep homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant
homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant 0.95.4 3ec05d57fa7d 11 days ago 1.01GB
homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant latest 3ec05d57fa7d 11 days ago 1.01GB
sysop@dockmaster:~/ha$ docker images |grep homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant
homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant 0.95.4 3ec05d57fa7d 11 days ago 1.01GB
homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant latest 3ec05d57fa7d 11 days ago 1.01GB
sysop@dockmaster:~/ha$ docker images |grep homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant
homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant 0.92.2 0069222f84fb 2 months ago 1.15GB
homeassistant/qemux86-64-homeassistant latest 0069222f84fb 2 months ago 1.15GB

You have to be INSIDE the hassio container or the SSH add-on…

I tried using

docker exec -it hassio_supervisor /bin/bash

but had the same luck. I’ll look around in there again today.

What is the path to the hassio binary? Can someone do a whereis hassio for me? I’m trying to find it in the supervisor container.

There is no hassio binary. The home-assistant binary is hass and is inside the home-assistant container, not the supervisor component.

so this command should be run from inside the Home-assistant docker container?

as well as these?:

Normally I run those from the ssh addon. The community ssh and web terminal.

Does it conflict with the ssh daemon of my Debian host? I didn’t see mention of alternate port options in the ssh add-on docs.

On a side note I fixed my upgrading problem. I blew out my config and the upgrade took without auto rolling back. I believe their were changes that now brought errors instead of warnings and hass.io was nice enough to roll back. After putting my old config back in post upgrade it would just hang. Now I’m cleaning it up.

Yes it will conflict. I use port 622 instead of 22 in the addon. The Community SSH & Web Terminal you can do this but not in the core addon. The docs do actually say with a generic linux install you can’t use the core addon.

Any luck?

I’m having the same issue. I’m pretty far into my setup (this is 2.0 for me) but I feel like I need to sort this first before continuing further.

I followed a DrZzz’s video for installation and also must type in “root” before Hassio will finish loading. I want to automate the entire process so the machine will auto load in the event of a power outage.

EDIT: I think my problem was that I was not patient enough for HA to load. It would seem to get stuck, I would type in “root” and it would continue and I could login.
On one of the youtube videos I watched wile trying to solve a different problem, the installer upped the number of cores allocated to the VM. I went ahead and upped mine as well, at least until I’m done setting the machine up and I no longer need to type in “root” to access HA.

I think you left out an argument on the Expand line on the disk - it should read

vmkfstools -X 32G -d eagerzeroedthick home_assistant.vmdk

i.e. you dropped out the -d which is mandatory if you want to define the disk type to be non default


For anyone else revisiting this topic - here are the steps i have just followed in VMWare ESXI 5.5.

  1. Download the HassIO 2.2. image as linked from the install page
  2. Put it on a datastore that is accessible from your VM host
  3. UNzip it using 7Zip
  4. Create a new Linux (Other) 64-bit 2.6 Kernel VM
  5. Give it two processors, 2GB RAM
  6. Choose the option (when asked) to use an existing disk
  7. Point it to the VMDK you unzipped
  8. Change the BIOS to EFI - in Options - Advanced Options
  9. Boot the VM and launch the Console to watch what is happening
  10. let it finish its first boot
  11. then load the web page in a browser http:\hassio:8123 (this will work as long as your DHCP is setup correctly)
  12. Once you have confirmed you can access the web page then shutdown Hass via the web page
  13. Access your VMware host ESXI commandline with SSH
  14. Change directory to the datastore where the VM resides
  15. do a directory listing for *.vmdk - the name of your disk should be something like hass_os_ova-xxxx.vmdk
  16. use the command vmkfstools -X 32G -d eagerzeroedthick [NAME OF YOUR DISK].vmdk
  17. once this has finished you should be able to start the VM up and you will be good to go with a 32GB disk


Thank you very much for the tip of adding /24. I had followed the video and all had worked for several weeks before stopping. Tried all sorts to get it back for several weeks then I decided to start all over again and had the same issue. Then I found this thread and got it working again. So not only have I got it back working, I have learned so much while trying.