Hass.io installed on X86 Up board: plugin manager is not showing

I’ve been installing hass.io via docker on an up board using this guide.

I can see it using HA UI the browser on :8123 but I see blank page in the Hass.io tab.

In log details I read this warning
Error fetching description at

Anybody experienced such a problem?
Would most of the plugin be compatible with an x86 Atom architecture?

One thing to add is that the configuration option fails in restarting the server.

It’s a known problem with all architectures. Have a read of this: Hass.io window not loading

TLDR: workaround is to use Chrome web browser.

Thanks. Will check.

TLDR: workaround is to use Chrome web browser.

mm not really on my computer (Ubuntu 16.04 desktop). But will investigate on this

it works super on chrome!

EDIT1: I had to fix some strange chrome behaviours I have on my computer

You install with no problem on Up Board devices ? What model you have ? And on what system you install it ? Because on RPI3 i install it on raspian strech lite.